Page 59 of Condemned to Love

As Elowen reaches me, I can't help but marvel at how far we've come. From reluctant allies to this moment, standing before our community, ready to bind our lives together.

Raziel begins the ceremony, his voice resonating through the clearing. "We gather today to witness the union of Aldric andElowen, a bond so rare and honored by Akeldama and the First that we will celebrate for days to come."

I grasp Elowen's hands in mine, feeling the warmth of her skin. Her green eyes sparkle with emotion, mirroring my own.

"Aldric," Raziel continues, "do you vow to stand by Elowen's side, in battle and in peace, to protect and cherish her for all your days?"

"I do," I respond, my voice firm and clear. It's not the usual way of the vrakken, but I wanted to include a little of the human customs for Elowen.

Raziel turns to Elowen. "And do you, Elowen, vow to stand by Aldric's side, to fight alongside him and support him through all challenges?"

Elowen's grip tightens on my hands. "I do," she says, her voice unwavering.

Raziel turns to me, telling me to vow to my mate and my people. Taking a deep breath, squeezing Elowen's hands, I start.

"I, Aldric, swear to respect you, safeguard you, and treasure you, in this existence and all subsequent ones. I promise my everlasting allegiance, trust, and dedication to you exclusively, my partner, my beloved, my very lifeblood. Wherever you tread, I'll be right behind. Whatever struggles you face, I'll assist in shouldering. Should you stumble, I'll be there to support and raise you up. I'll serve as your weapon and defense against any danger. My essence is eternally and irreversibly linked to yours for all time."

Elowen takes a deep breath before giving hers, tears shining in her eyes. I listen intently as Elowen speaks, my heart swelling with each word.

"I, Elowen, offer you my gentle soul, my unwavering loyalty, my entire being until the cosmos itself dims. In moments of elation and anguish, fervor and hardship, I will stand unwaveringly beside you. Your aspirations I will embrace, yourambitions I will bolster, your worries I will alleviate. As one, we will endure any tempest. You are my beacon even in the bleakest darkness. From this instant until time's end and beyond, I swear that my essence is forever bound to yours in adoration."

Turning from Elowen, I look out to our coven, the warriors I have trained and the friends I have made. My wings unfurl slightly as I address them. My voice carries across the clearing, firm and resolute.

"To my brothers and sisters of the night, I renew my vow of fealty. I pledge to honor the old ways, serve the will of our Elders, and defend this coven with my last breath if need be. My mate and I shall strive to bring further glory to our people."

I feel Elowen's hand tighten in mine, her strength flowing through our touch. She steps forward, her chin lifted high as she addresses the coven.

"To the coven that I'm now privileged to enter, I swear my allegiance and devotion. Your guidance shall be my compass. In battle, I'll stand ready. For my people, I will fight. Until my final breath, I commit to protecting and honoring the vrakken, Akeldama, and the First."

Pride swells in my chest as I listen to Elowen's words. She stands tall, her voice unwavering as she makes her vows to our people. The gathered vrakken nod in approval, accepting her as one of their own.

As Elowen and I finish our solemn pledges, I watch Raziel approach the sacred table and lift an elaborate knife of polished silver. The dancing flames of the candles cast an eerie glow, making the age-old symbols etched into its grip appear to twist and move of their own accord.

"Akeldama will now bless or reject your union," Raziel declares gravely. "Give him the gift of your blood and let him speak."

I offer my left palm above the altar's stone bowl. In one swift movement, I slice the knife over my flesh. The burning pain barely registers as I watch scarlet droplets form and fall, staining the pristine liquid beneath.

I watch intently as Elowen's gaze locks with mine, her resolve evident as Raziel presents the dagger. She inhales deeply, steeling herself. In one fluid, elegant motion, she draws the edge across her soft hand.

I watch with bated breath as Elowen's blood joins mine in the sacred basin. The crimson drops fall, creating delicate ripples across the water's surface. My heart races as I observe the blood, waiting for a sign.

To my amazement, our mingled blood doesn't sink. Instead, it swirls atop the water like tiny stars dancing in a midnight sky. The sight is mesmerizing, and excitement shoots through me.

Raziel's voice breaks through the hushed silence, filled with reverence and joy. "Akeldama has blessed these two!" His hand rests upon each of our shoulders, a gesture of acceptance and unity. "Aldric and Elowen, you are now mated before Akeldama, the First, and this coven"

Relief and elation wash over me. I turn to Elowen, my mate, my love, my very heartbeat. Her eyes shine with unshed tears of happiness, mirroring my own emotions. Without hesitation, I pull her into my arms, our bodies fitting together perfectly.

I pull Elowen close, my wings instinctively wrapping around her. "My mate," I whisper, the words sending a thrill through me.

She grins up at me, her eyes shining. "My arrogant ass of a mate," she teases, before pulling me down for a kiss.

Our lips meet in a searing kiss, sealing our bond. As we embrace, our palms press together where our blood still mingles, forever entwining our fates. The cheers of our friends andfellow vrakken fade into the background as I lose myself in this moment with Elowen.

When we finally part, I rest my forehead against hers, overwhelmed by the depth of my feelings for this remarkable woman. "Now it's time for the best part."

Her eyebrows rise, and a soft yelp escapes her as I sweep her into my arms. I chuckle as I carry her off to finish the mating bond.