Page 44 of Condemned to Love

"Come on," Aldric says, already striding towards the base entrance. "We don't have a moment to lose."

I hurry to keep up with his long strides, my mind racing. As we descend into the cool darkness of the base, I can feel the urgency radiating off Aldric. His wings are tucked tight against his back, his posture tense and alert.

"Raziel!" Aldric calls out just outside the library in the back of the base. "Selene! We need you now!"

His voice echoes through the room and the hallway we’re standing in, and within moments, I hear footsteps approaching. Raziel appears first, his dark eyes sharp with concern. Selene is right behind him, with Nikolai and Jessa bringing up the rear.

"What is it?" Raziel asks, his gaze flicking between Aldric and me.

Aldric's hand tightens around mine. "We have a situation," he says grimly. "Elowen has information. The dark elves are coming."



Igather everyone in the library that has become our council chamber, my jaw clenched as I relay Elowen's intel. The gravity of the situation weighs heavily on us all.

"We can't let those bastards catch us off guard again," I growl, pacing the room. "Last time, they used the sun to their advantage, blinding us as they swarmed the base."

Raziel's eyes narrow. "How many were there?"

"Hundreds," I reply, the memory of that day still raw. "They surrounded us completely. We didn't stand a chance."

Selene leans forward, her voice soft but determined. "We need to draw them away from the base before dawn."

Nikolai nods in agreement. "Surprise them as they come through the portal."

"Exactly," I say, slamming my fist on the table. "We'll use their own tactics against them."

Jessa's eyes light up. "We could set up decoys, make them think we're unprepared."

"Good thinking," I nod, impressed by her quick strategizing. "Elowen, you've seen their movements. Any insights?"

Elowen steps forward, her green eyes blazing with determination. "They seem to be assigned in small groups, coordinated. If we can disrupt their formation early, we might stand a chance."

I feel a surge of pride at her tactical thinking. "Alright, here's the plan. We'll set up a perimeter around the portal, hidden in the trees. As soon as they start coming through, we hit them hard and fast."

"What about magic?" Selene asks, looking at the vrakken men.

"Many haven't practiced outside of battle magic in a long time," Raziel interjects. "We can station the strongest we do have to create barriers, counteract their spells."

I nod, my mind racing with possibilities. "We'll need every advantage we can get. Jessa, Nikolai, I want you two leading our ground forces. Raziel, Selene, you'll stay back to protect the base."

"And us?" Elowen asks, her eyes meeting mine.

"You and I will lead the initial strike," I reply, my voice softening slightly. "And we'll fight like Akeldama himself."

I stand before our assembled forces, my eyes scanning the faces of both vrakken and humans. The gravity of our situation weighs heavily on my shoulders, but I push it aside. We have work to do.

"Listen up," I bark, my voice carrying across the training grounds. "We've got two days to prepare for this attack. Every second counts."

Elowen steps forward, her presence a steady force beside me. "We'll be dividing you into squads based on your strengths. Each group will have a specific role in the upcoming battle."

I nod, appreciating her calm demeanor. "Vrakken with wings, you'll be our air support. Those skilled in magic will focuson defensive spells and barriers. The rest of you, prepare for close combat."

We move through the crowd, assigning roles and grouping fighters together. I catch glimpses of determination in their eyes, mixed with fear and anticipation.

"Jessa, Nikolai," I call out. "You'll be leading the far side forces. Nikolai, get the air assault ready. Jessa, you'll be right below him on the ground. Make sure everyone's equipped with proper armor and weapons."