A dark elf lunges at us, his blade flashing in the dim light. I pivot, using my wings to shield Elowen as I slam my elbow into his face. Bone crunches beneath the blow, and he staggers back with a howl of pain.
Another comes at me from behind. I whirl, my wing catching him across the chest and sending him sprawling. Before hecan regain his footing, I stomp down hard on his throat. The sickening crunch of his windpipe collapsing echoes in my ears.
"Aldric," Elowen whispers, her voice barely audible over the din of battle. "Put me down. I can still fight."
"Like fuck you can," I snarl, ducking under a swinging mace. The weapon whistles past my ear, missing by mere inches. I retaliate with a swift kick to the attacker's knee, feeling it give way beneath my boot.
As he falls, I snatch the mace from his grasp and bring it down on his skull with a resounding crack. Blood and brain matter splatter across the ground.
I plow forward, using my bulk to barrel through the throng of dark elves. My wings lash out, knocking dark elves down and out of my way. I slice everyone in my reach, keeping them from getting back up. Screams of agony fill the air as I carve a path through our enemies.
A tall, muscular dark elf steps into my path, his violet eyes gleaming with malice. He twirls a wicked-looking spear, its tip dripping with some foul poison.
"Look. A little toy," he hisses, baring his teeth in a feral grin. "We'll make sure to keep you alive so you can watch her death before yours."
White-hot rage floods my veins. With a roar that shakes the very ground, I charge at him. He thrusts his spear forward, aiming for my heart. At the last second, I twist, feeling the blade graze my side. Before he can recover, I headbutt him with all my might.
The dark elf stumbles back, blood pouring from his shattered nose. I press my advantage, ramming my shoulder into his chest and driving him to the ground. In one fluid motion, I snatch up his fallen spear and drive it through his throat.
As the last dark elf falls, I survey the carnage around us. Bodies litter the ground, the earth soaked with blood. My chest heaves with exertion, every muscle screaming in protest.
But none of that matters. All that matters is the woman in my arms.
I cradle Elowen's limp form against my chest, her blood seeping into my armor and staining my pale skin. The sounds of battle fade around us, replaced by victorious shouts and cheers from our comrades.
I don't give a damn about any of it. All that matters is the woman in my arms, her life slipping away with each labored breath.
"Hang on, Red," I mutter, my voice rough with emotion. My powerful wings unfurl with a snap, stretching wide as I prepare to take flight. "Don't you dare give up on me now."
The wind whips past us as I soar over the blood-soaked battlefield, my wings beating furiously. Elowen's breathing is shallow and ragged, her skin clammy and pale beneath the dirt and grime of combat.
Fear grips my heart, cold and merciless, threatening to crush my very soul. I can't lose her. Not now. Not after everything we've been through. Not ever. I tighten my grip on her fragile form, silently willing her to hold on just a little longer.
I land hard at the base entrance, my knees buckling slightly under our combined weight. Selene rushes towards us, her eyes widening at the sight of Elowen's wounds.
"Get her to the infirmary," she orders, already moving ahead to clear the way.
I barrel through the corridors, shoving past celebrating soldiers and stunned onlookers. Nothing matters except the fading heartbeat I can feel against my chest.
"Stay with me, Elowen," I growl, kicking open the infirmary door. "Don't you dare give up now."
The healers swarm around us as I lay her on a cot. Their voices blur together, a cacophony of urgent instructions and grim assessments. I stand there, frozen, as they cut away her armor and begin their work.
"Aldric," Raziel's voice cuts through the haze. His hand grips my shoulder. "Let them work. You need to step back."
I shake my head, unable to tear my eyes away from Elowen's ashen face. "I can't leave her."
"You're not leaving her," Raziel insists, his tone gentle but firm. "But you need to let the healers do their job."
Reluctantly, I allow him to guide me a few steps back. My fists clench at my sides, every instinct screaming at me to go to her, to protect her. But I know Raziel's right. I'd only get in the way.
So I stand there, my heart pounding in my chest, watching as they fight to save the woman I loveā¦
And holy First do I fucking love her.
The healers do all they can, and I refuse to leave. They manage to clean and stitch her wounds, but she has lost so much blood.
It's funny to me. I didn't even notice the blood. I didn't realize that there's human blood covering my hands, my instincts not even kicking in because all I want in this world is to save her.