He took off his apron and tossed it on the deck chair behind him. “What are the parameters?” He asked.
“It’s all about form,” I said, stepping out of the way.
Harrison launched himself off the edge of the pool so hard, he nearly made it to the other side.
There were squeals from women getting out of the way.
Cohen and Bingham climbed out of the pool to go next.
“Terrible form,” I cried when Cohen surfaced after his cannonball that was more a jackknife.
Bingham’s was decent, but he went in sideways. These guys needed to engage their core.
“Let’s see you do it!” Cohen cried.
Well, if that wasn’t a challenge, I didn’t know what was. I pushed myself out of the pool and lined up at the spot where everyone else had jumped.
“This,” I said. “Is a little something I perfected at age ten at a Holiday Inn in Florida.” I launched myself off the side into a perfect, spread-eagle belly flop. I sucked in my belly the way my brother taught me so it made the loudest smacking sound with the least amount of pain. I had no idea if that actually worked, but because my brother told me to do it, I did it.
I surfaced to Neveah and Winston howling with laughter. I looked around for Kit and Tess. I’d only done it to make them laugh. But at some point they must have moved on from the contest and were on the other side of the pool, playing a different game with diving rings.
Totally ignoring my awesome belly flop.
“Hey,” I said, swimming over to them. “You don’t want to do cannonballs anymore?”
Tess and Kit looked at each other and then shook their heads.
My heart sank. The skin on my stomach fucking hurt. Sucking in my belly was bullshit. Of course Wyatt would lie to me about that.
Kit dropped the rings into the water and Tess waited until they hit the bottom before diving down to get them. Her feet kicking up in the air so Kit and I had to dodge them.
“Did I mess that up?” I asked Kit.
Keeping an eye on Tess as she kicked her way to the bottom, Kit shrugged. “You know, not everyone is as competitive as you.”
“It’s a cannonball contest!” I said in my own defense. “It’s competitive by nature.”
She patted my arm, her hand cool against my sun-warmed skin. “Don’t beat yourself up. She’s fine.”
Tess popped out of the water gasping for air. “One more!” She said, putting two of the rings back on the deck.
“Amazing!” Kit cried and Tess went down to grab the last one.
“You’re really good with her,” I said, watching Kit carefully.
“She’s a sweet kid,” she said, turning aside the compliment.
Her dark hair clung to the side of her throat and I lifted my hand to brush it back before I could stop myself. Her skin was warm and soft under my fingers. Her eyes went wide like she couldn’t believe I had the nerve to touch her. Or maybe she could. I had a lot of nerve.
I pulled back slowly, trailing my fingers across her collarbone. She put a hand up on her neck where I’d touched her.
“What are you doing?” She whispered, looking around. Except no one was watching us.
Tess popped out of the water, gasping for air and holding a ring in her hand. “Got it!”
“Again?” I asked. Tess nodded and I picked up all the rings and dropped them down in the water again.
The whole time watching Kit. Watching her, watch me.