I’m watching her eat ice cream, the way her tongue flicks out to catch the melting drips. Millie’s sitting next to Lily, laughing at something she said. Her eyes sparkle with happiness and I can’t help but be in awe.
She’s perfect. Her jeggings cling to her curves, I’m mesmerized by the way she moves and the way she smiles.
I notice Finn watching Millie too. The way his eyes track her every move, his expression softens. It’s like he’s seeing her for the first time, but I know he’s seen her before. He’s remembering, just like me.
“Declan, you okay after that hit?” I ask, turning my attention to him. He got slammed pretty hard during the game.
“Just part of the game,” Declan says, shrugging it off.
Finn laughs. “Remember how you lost your front teeth when we were playing hockey in high school?”
Millie gasps. “You lost your teeth?”
Declan chuckles. “Yeah, but I got them fixed. Good as new.”
“I’m suddenly very glad I work with animals and not people,” I say, shaking my head.
Chase turns to Millie. “How’s the blog going?”
She lights up. “After the vlog with Troy and Axel, it went viral. Nike even approached me to work with them.”
“I’m proud of you,” I tell her, meaning every word.
Finn chimes in. “Me too. I’m glad you followed your dream.”
She’s beaming now. “Thanks, guys. I think that sports coverage and fitness topics will be much more lucrative than baking ever was.”
Declan raises an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
Finn leans back, a smirk on his face. “The night we met, Millie told me all about how she wanted to be serious with social media. I’m proud she’s going through with it.”
Millie looks surprised. “You remember that?”
“I remember everything from that night,” Finn says softly.
I watch Millie blush and I can’t help but wonder if she’s thinking about their one-night stand. My curiosity gets the better of me. I expect a knot of jealousy to form, but it doesn’t. Instead, I surprise myself by saying, “Want to continue the after-party at my apartment?”
Millie looks at me, then at the two men. “Are you sure?”
I nod. “Yeah.”
Lily yawns. “I need to put Lily to bed first,” Declan says. “Then I’ll come over.”
Finn stretches. “I need a shower and meds, but then I’ll be there.”
I take Millie’s hand and smile. “Good. Let’s meet up in about an hour?”
They nod and we all take our ice cream to go. We head to our cars, driving to the same building. Anticipation coils low in my belly. This is going to be interesting.
Back at my apartment, I’m pacing, waiting for everyone to show up. Millie’s sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. She looks up at me, her eyes full of curiosity.
“Why did you invite them over?” she asks.
I shrug. “Why not? Thought it would be fun.”
She smirks. “You’re full of surprises, Chase.”
Declan arrives first, looking a little tired but still game. “Lily’s asleep. She conked out as soon as we got home.” He holds up a baby monitor. “Figure she’s basically two doors down and the baby monitor will work perfectly since we’re so close.”