“We’re going to a hockey game!” I announce.
“Shut up, are you serious?” Jade squeals.
“Totally serious. Declan got us tickets to see them play the Minnesota Frostbites.”
“This is amazing! I’ve been dying to go to a game,” Jade says. “Thank you so much!”
“You can thank Declan,” I say, smiling.
“Well, I’ll thank him in person. This is going to be so fun!”
We chat a bit more about the game and our plans for the day and I can hear the stress melting away from her voice. I hang up, feeling a sense of satisfaction. This is going to be great for both of us.
Lily finishes her cereal and looks up at me with big, curious eyes. “Are we really going to the game?” she asks.
“Yes, sweetie. It’s going to be so much fun,” I say, ruffling her hair.
She giggles and runs off to play, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I think about Declan again. There’s something about him that just gets under my skin. But I have Chase and he makes me happy. Still, it’s hard to ignore the attraction I feel for Declan.
I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Focus on the game, the fun and spending time with friends. That’s what matters. I finish cleaning up the kitchen and head to the living room to join Lily.
As the day goes on, I find myself daydreaming about the game and what it might be like. The excitement of the crowd, the fast-paced action on the ice and spending time with people I care about. It’s all so thrilling.
Saturday can’t come soon enough.
Friday evening rolls around and I’m waiting at the door when Declan arrives with the four tickets. “Hey,” he says, handing them to me. “Here you go.”
“Thanks,” I say, smiling. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem,” he replies. “By the way, I confirmed with Troy and Axel. They’re cool with being interviewed for your Instagram.”
“Really?” I ask, feeling a rush of excitement. “That’s awesome! What about you? Will you be in the video too?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Is that something you want?”
“Of course,” I say, trying not to sound too eager.
“Then fine,” he agrees. “After the game, the three of us can meet for the interview.”
“Thank you so much, Declan,” I say sincerely.
“Anytime,” he says with a wink. “See you at the game.”
He leaves and I head down the hall, tickets in hand. When I get to Chase’s apartment, I find that he has set up a romantic date in the living room. Candles are lit and the table is set with our favorite dishes. My heart melts a little.
“Hey, you,” I say, walking over to him.
“Hey yourself,” he replies, pulling me in for a kiss. “Thought we could use a nice evening.”
“It looks perfect,” I say, wrapping my arms around him.
Just as we’re about to sit down, his phone rings. He glances at the caller ID and sighs. “It’s the clinic.”
“Go ahead,” I say, understanding.
He answers the call and I can hear the concern in his voice. “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” he says, hanging up. “There’s a sick parrot that needs immediate attention.”