I nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

He follows me inside and I feel a sense of safety I haven’t felt in a long time. We sit on the couch and he pulls me into his arms again.

“You’re not alone, Millie,” he whispers. “Not anymore.”

I close my eyes, letting his words sink in. Maybe, just maybe, things will be okay.

I ask Declan where Lily is.

“She’s with Finn,” he says. “I was rushing to the store to grab some pre-workout before he saw us.”

I feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me. “I’m so embarrassed you saw me like that.”

His eyes drop to my lips for a second before he schools his features. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about Millie. Nothing that happened at that store today was your fault. Do you understand that?”

I nod grateful for his words.

“Was Ryan always like that?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “This is the first time I’ve seen him since he dumped me.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry. He’s an idiot,” Declan says.

“Agreed. But why are you sorry?”

“Because only a fool would let go of someone like you.”

His words make me feel warm inside and I can’t help but smile. “He left me for the head of PR for his team and he still has the audacity to call me a puck bunny slut.”

I feel Declan stiffen beside me. “Do you think puck bunnies are sluts?”

“Of course not,” I say firmly. “Emma Watson once said, ‘Feminism is about giving women choice. What a woman deserves to do with her body is no one’s business but her own’. I totally agree with her. Even if I slept with half of your team, or heck, half of Chicago, he still shouldn’t care. My body, my choice.’”

He relaxes a bit and nods. “Can I tell you something?”

I nod, curious.

“Lily’s mother was a puck bunny,” he says, and I blink in surprise. “Although I kind of hate that term, honestly.”

“Really? What happened?”

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Her name was Sarah. She was fun, wild, living life in the fast lane. We hooked up, it was supposed to be a fling, but then she got pregnant. She didn’t want the responsibility, so she left. I decided to raise Lily on my own. And as hard as it’s been, I don’t regret it. If I hadn’t slept with Sarah, Lily wouldn’t exist and I can’t imagine a world where my daughter doesn’t exist.”

“She’s lucky to have you.”

“Thanks, Millie.”

“I don’t know if I’m in the position to say this, but you’re doing a great job.”

“Really?” he asks, looking a bit surprised.

I nod. “I was raised by a single father too, so I understand the sacrifices single dads make.”

“I had no idea.”

We share a moment of understanding, the air between us thick with tension. We lean in, our faces inches apart and I canfeel his breath on my lips. My heart races and I’m almost sure he’s going to kiss me when my phone rings.

I jump, breaking the moment and glance at the screen. “It’s Chase,” I say, feeling a mix of relief and frustration.