“Ryan?” she asks, sounding confused.

“No, Finn.”

She pauses. “The hockey god that you fucked in his car?”

I blush at the memory. “Yes.”

“He’s not an ex, Millie,” she says to me.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Close enough! I’ve never been able to stop thinking about him.”

“True. Okay, see you in five!”

I wait at the café, trying to calm my racing heart. Jade arrives in record time, still in her workout gear: black leggings, a sports bra, and a cropped hoodie. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun and she’s got that post-workout glow.

We order our hot chocolates and sit down. Jade wastes no time. “Spill everything.”

I take a deep breath and tell her everything: seeing Finn, the awkward conversation, how he looked. Jade listens intently.

“Was he mad?” she asks when I finish.

“No, just shocked. And also very sexy,” I admit, making her squeal in excitement. “Don’t be excited for me. I’m really stressed.”

“Let me live vicariously through you. I’m going through the worst dry spell ever,” she says dramatically. “And you have all these men just prancing around for you to sample.”

I laugh. “You know what the worst part is? I think I’m still attracted to Finn more than the others.”

“What about Chase?” Jade asks.

“I like Chase too. And worse still, add my boss to the mix,” I confess.

Jade yelps. “Sounds like you’re building a fun little harem.”

“There’s nothing fun about it. I’m having a mini panic attack,” I say, shaking my head.

“Well, before you succumb to that,respectfully,please entertain me with all your details,” Jade says, making me laugh again. She looks at me seriously. “But for real, are you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, I think so. It’s just…confusing.”

“Okay, I have some advice for you,” she says, leaning in.

“Lay it on me.”

“Since Finn, Declan, and Chase all live in the same building, you should at least tell Chase about Finn.”

“You think so?” I ask, doubtful.

“I know so. There’s nothing worse than being blindsided. Trust me, babe.”

Her alarm goes off, and she groans. “I still need to see the puppy, but I’ve got to run to class.”

“I need to run to the grocery store to get some tampons,” I say, standing up.

We walk out together, hug and then head in different directions. Just one conversation with my best friend and I already feel like I have everything under control.

As I walk to the store, I replay our conversation in my head. Seeing Finn again was a shock, but maybe it’s a sign. A sign to face my past, clear up the mess and figure out what I really want.

I’m at the grocery store, browsing the tampons aisle, trying to choose between brands, when I hear someone call my name. Startled, I look up and see the last person I want to run into. Ryan. His brown eyes, the same ones I’ve been trying to escape on billboards and on social media, stare right at me. What the hell, universe?