True to my word, we spend the next hour laughing and playing in the living room. Lily loves learning to cartwheel and I can’t stop laughing at her determined little face. Eventually, she wants to watch a movie, so I set up her tablet on the sofa and sit on the opposite side, listening to a romance audiobook while scratching Peanut’s belly.

My phone buzzes and I see a message from Jade. “Can’t wait to come hang out with the puppy!” she writes.

I smile and type back, “I’m currently babysitting for a hockey player.”

“Who?” she asks.

“If you meet me for drinks, I’ll tell you all about it,” I reply.

Jade texts back, “Going to a kickboxing class but maybe later. Love you.”

“Love you too,” I type.

Next, Chase sends me a selfie, lifting his scrubs to show off his sculpted abs. I blush at the sight of the spiral tattoo on his ribs I love to lick.

>>I miss you, Chase.

>>Miss you too, Millie. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

>>I’ll be right where you left me, babe.

>>How’s Lily?

>>She’s the sweetest little girl. She's doing great!

>>Ever think about having kids?

>>That’s an idea I’d be open to.

>>Interesting, Millie, interesting.

>>What's so interesting Mr.?

>>Oh, just that I’d have kids with you.

He adds a winking emoji and I smile, feeling warm. Then scold him playfully:

>>Stop being sweet and distracting. Focus on your work.

Then I send a selfie of me and Peanut. Lily looks over and asks, “Can I take a photo with you and Peanut?”

“Of course!” I say, and we take a cute photo together.

I think about sending it to Declan but get distracted when Lily asks, “Can we play a game?”

“Sure,” I say, setting aside my phone. We dive into a board game and time flies by. Before I know it, Declan’s back home.

“Hey, how was your day?” he asks, looking a bit worn out but happy.

“Good! We made pizzas,” I say, showing him the photos.

“They look great,” he says, smiling at Lily. “Did you have fun?”

“Yes, Daddy!” she exclaims, running to hug him.

“Great. I am so happy to hear that.” Then he reaches into his pocket to pull out his wallet. “How much do I owe you?”

That takes me completely off guard. I was doing this as a favor to him, not for payment.