Lily swings our hands as we walk. “Don’t say that. It’s a bad word.”

I cover my mouth and smile. “Sorry about that, honey.”

“It is okay,” she replies. “Where is your dog?”

“Someone is looking after Peanut, but I’m actually on my way to go pick him up,” I tell her.

“You named your dog Peanut?” Declan asks.

Lily giggles. “That’s a funny name.”

We reach the restrooms, and Declan points. “Ladies’ room is right there.”


Lily tugs at her dad’s hand. “I want to go to the bathroom too.”

Declan looks flustered. “Uh, Millie, do you mind...?”

“Not at all,” I say, smiling at Lily. “Come on, Lily.”

We walk to the restroom together. I help Lily with the sink and then we head back out. Declan is waiting, looking relieved.

“Thanks, Millie. I appreciate it,” Declan says.

“No problem,” I reply.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I haven’t seen Lily take to anyone like that in a long time. Since her nanny...”

He trails off, looking sad. I ask, “What happened with her nanny?”

“If I start talking about it, I might end up saying some really bad words,” he admits, his jaw tightening.

“I hope you figure it out,” I say sincerely. “Good night, Declan. Bye, Lily.”

Lily waves enthusiastically. “Bye, Millie!”

“We will walk you back,” Declan says.

I walk back toward the exit, feeling a strange mix of emotions.

Chase is waiting by the bike, a smile on his face. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah, let’s head out,” I say, giving Lily a quick hug. “Bye, Lily.”

“Bye, Millie!” she waves.

“Bye, Declan!” I tell him.

“Goodbye Millie, and again, thanks.” And then he is carrying Lily back inside.

Chase takes my hand and we walk towards his motorcycle. “So, how was the bathroom break?” he asks with a grin.

“Eventful. Ran into some familiar faces,” I say, squeezing his hand.

“Yeah? Who?”

“Remember that guy from the elevator with Lily? Declan?”