“For today. It was perfect.”
He pulls me close and kisses me deeply. “Anything for you, Millie.”
“Actually, let me rush back in and use the bathroom then we can get going. Okay?”
Chase squeezes my arm. “I’ll be right here.”
I hurry back inside the rink, weaving through the crowd. As I near the restrooms, I spot the little girl from the elevator, wearing a cute pink dress with little white flowers.
She sees me and starts waving excitedly. She’s holding hands with the tall man who was with her last time. Her father. What was his name again? David? No! Declan. He’s tall and muscular with short dark hair, blue eyes, and a rugged jawline.
He’s wearing a purple and black Chicago Icebreakers jersey, which surprises me. I had no idea he played hockey, but I guess I should have guessed from his physique.
Declan seems to be in a serious conversation with an older man and neither of them looks happy.
“You are co-captains, and you missed the whole thing,” the older man says.
“You don’t get it,” Declan is saying. “He had to go home and get Lily for me, and then he went back to deal with everything else. If you should be mad at someone, then be mad at me.”
The little girl tugs at her dad, and both men turn their attention to me.
“Hey!” I wave, walking towards them.
“I know you!” Declan says.
“Millie. We met in your apartment’s elevator,” I remind him.
“Oh! The woman with the dog,” he nods.
I crouch to say hey to the girl. “Lily,” she says before smiling.
“Nice to meet you,” the older man adds.
I stand and shake his hand. “I’m Millie. I was here with Chase.”
“Chase?” Coach asks.
“Anderson,” I reply.
“Oh, the vet,” he smiles. “Coach Nathan Thorne.”
“Nice to meet you,” I say.
Declan just nods in my direction. “I was looking for the bathroom, but I seem to have lost my way.”
Lily tugs at her dad’s hand. “I want to go to the bathroom too.”
Declan sighs and says, “I’ll show you. Coach, I’ll find you after.”
Lily takes my hand, and Declan holds her other hand as we walk.
“So, what brings you here?” Declan asks.
“Chase surprised me. Said something about playing with puppies and meeting hockey players. I didn’t realize I’d run into familiar faces.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat. The Icebreakers are pretty cool,” he says with a smirk.
“I met most of them. Did I interrupt something? Your coach looks pretty damn mad,” I tell him.