“Yeah. We killed it out there,” he agrees, grinning.

We change quickly, eager to get home. As we’re walking out, Finn nudges me. “So, about Millie...”

“Drop it, Finn.”

“Come on, Declan. You know you want to.”

“She has a boyfriend…and you know I don’t date.”

“Do you know for sure that she has a boyfriend, or are you simply speculating?”

“Finn!” I groan.

“Listen, man, it has been way too long since you hooked up with someone. We’re spending days at the rink, freezing our balls off. Why not just consider someone to keep you warm every now and then?”

“Did you miss the part where she might have a boyfriend?”

“So? People have open relationships now!”

“I think you have taken way too many pucks to the head, man,” I laugh.

“I’m not telling you to marry this girl. Just think about talking to her. This is the first time I’ve even heard you mention a woman being beautiful sinceher.”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

Finn laughs. “That’s progress. I’ll take it.” Then he starts walking in the opposite direction.

“Wait, where the hell are you going?” I ask him.

“Cold balls remember? I am going to the bar to get someone to warm them,” he grins at me.

“You’re a dumbass,” I laugh as I climb into my car.

“Maybe. Say goodnight to Lily for me.”

“I will.”

We part ways, and I head back home. When I walk in, Lily is still at the kitchen table, drawing something on her iPad. Claire is on the couch, reading a textbook.

“Hey, princess. How was the rest of your evening?” I ask Lily.

“Good. Claire helped me with my homework.”

“Great. Thanks, Claire,” I say, giving her a smile.

“No problem. She’s a good kid,” Claire replies, packing up her things.

I walk Claire to the door and hand her the payment. “See you next time.”

“Bye, Mr. Hughes. Bye, Lily!” she calls out as she leaves.

“Bye, Claire!” Lily shouts back.

I turn to Lily. “Ready for bed, kiddo?”

“Can I finish this first?” she asks, holding up her iPad.

“Sure. Ten more minutes.”