“I’ll work on the dog pro bono, but you have to at least help,” I say with a grin.

She hesitates for a moment but then nods. “Okay.”

As she puts on the gloves, I can’t help but flirt a little. “So, Millie, what do you do when you’re not rescuing puppies?”

“I’m a social media influencer,” she says, focusing on the dog. “Mostly baking and mental health stuff.”

“Baking and mental health? That’s an interesting combo,” I say, my interest piqued. “I might need some baking tips.”

She laughs and it’s a beautiful sound. “I’ve got plenty. What about you? Besides saving puppies?”

“Just the usual vet stuff,” I say with a wink. “And trying not to stare at gorgeous women who walk into the clinic.”

She blushes and I feel a small victory. We continue chatting as I treat the dog, enjoying the banter and the way her eyes light up when she talks.

When I’m done, I hand the puppy back to her. “He’s ready to go home.”

“Home where?” she asks, looking a bit lost. “I thought you’d keep him here.”

“This is a clinic, Millie. We’re not equipped to keep pets for a long time. Plus, look at him, he seems to already be bonding with you.”

“But I don’t need a dog.”

“It’s better for the dog to have a home until we figure out who the owner is,” I explain, watching her press the puppy to her chest. She really is beautiful.

“I don’t know, Dr…Chase,” she says, uncertainty in her voice.

“How about I help you?” I offer, feeling a bit bold. “I will get you everything you need to keep him for at least a week.”

“What?” she asks, looking up at me. “You’ve already treated him for free.”

“Who said it was for free?” I smile at her. “Let me take you to dinner and then we can call it even.”

She grins, a playful spark in her eyes. “How about I make you dinner and we call it even, doc?”

I like that she’s flirting back. “Okay, but we need to first get to a pet store before they close, so we can get everything this little guy needs.”

“Okay,” she agrees.

I take out a cardboard pet carrier and place the puppy in it. “Wait in the lobby. I just need to wrap up a few things and then we’ll get going.”

She smiles up at me and says, “Okay.”

As she walks to the lobby, I watch her go, my mind racing. There’s something about Millie that’s different, something that draws me in. I can’t wait to spend more time with her.

I finish up my tasks, change into my jeans and jacket, and head to the lobby. I find Millie waiting with the puppy. “Ready?”

“Yep,” she says, standing up.

We head out. I take the carrier from her.

“Where’s the nearest pet store?” she asks, glancing around.

“There’s one a few blocks from here,” I say.. “We’ll get everything we need there. Are you okay to walk?”

She looks at me and chuckles.

“What? Did I say something funny?”