Owen lifts me up and carries me toward the house, the sound of wagging tails hitting the couch, and then paws clacking on the tiles, accompanying us to the home.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
ThelastdayofGrapefest is finally here.
When Adela first mentioned that my father had entered the contest, I had a completely different vision of what this would entail. And after experiencing the gossip about my winery, my intention was to be the absolute best, to crash it.
It still is, of course, both for me and because it was my dad’s last wish before he passed. But this— This hasn’t felt like a contest at all, more like the wine nights we’ve had at Delia.
I personally opened the barrel and was present during the bottling and packing of the wine.
Everything is perfect from start to finish. We’ve already made the best product we could, and in my eyes at least, I’ve done my parents justice with what I’m presenting here todayandhow I’ve led the winery these past 3 months.
I chuckle as Tess wraps both hands around me. I set mine on her shoulders, giving them a squeeze.
“Not even in the slightest. I just wasn’t expecting the contest to be this relaxed.”
“And yet, I’ve been telling you that since you arrived in Napa.”
The back-room staff brings forth the first sets of wines. The judges, all professionals from different backgrounds, have been separated into eight tables, each table having six judges.
The event is relatively small compared to other competitions of this kind but what makes it feel so homey is that the locals have gathered here for the tasting. More tables have been set up around the judges, creating a clear barrier between the two groups, but the soft music and the fairy lights above us, make this feel like home.
“Which group do you think will try our wine first?” Tess asks excitedly.
“We’ll know once the tasting begins,” I reply and receive a playful swat on my arm from Tess, and another one on my back.
I turn around to find a very offended Beau—at least he tries hard to look the part. “What does that mean, Bale? You haven’t tried mine yet.”
“And whose fault is that? I’ve been trying to get my hands on it for over a week.”
“You know one should never reveal their secrets to the competition.”
“You tried ours four times last week,” Tess chimes in.
“Well, it’s not my fault you had that many celebrations; the babies, the engagement, a new successful batch… What was the fourth one?
“The fourth one was yours,” I remind him, “you came by to drop Bubbles and Bear off for the weekend because you had to fly to NYC for that new deal.”
“Right.” Beau nods. “Well then, I do owe you one. Come over tonight and I’ll make it up to you.”
I look at Tess who’s been wearing a huge smile since we went to the doctor yesterday.
“Actually,” she says, “we were planning on inviting you over. We are having a bit of a get-together tonight.”
“So sure of your victory, Bale?”
“Yes, but that’s not the reason.”
Beau’s face lights up. “You went to— You know the gender of the babies?”
Tess nods but insists that we’ll reveal that later that night.
Reporters are everywhere, talking with the participants and enthusiasts who have come for the tasting.