And when the motorcycle revs to life between my legs, it’s impossible to ignore that, too. The vibrations curl up through me, a sudden sharp connection to the clit. The way that I’m sitting, the inseam of my pants is pressed hard to that little nub of nerves.
I press my face between his shoulder blades as we zip down the country lane. I’m somehow both counting the seconds until I’m able to get off this thing and hoping that that moment doesn’t come about any time soon.
But it does.
Owen parks right next to the stairs leading up to the front entrance of the main house. I get off on wobbly legs and have to grab onto his arm to support myself. “Sorry!”
“Don’t worry about it.” He wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me close. The heat of his body is impossible to ignore. “You know, that’s common with bikes like this. It’s like trying to get your sea legs.”
“If I say that I’m feeling better, does that mean I have to leave?” I ask, instantly regretting it. That’s wine tongue for you. If it comes to mind, it comes out of your mouth.
Owen chuckles. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and says, “I was actually hoping you would come in. We’ll crack open a bottle of Delia wine, and you can tell me if it’s better than Beau’s.”
“It is,” I say, following him up the walk. “I don’t need to taste it to know that.”
“A little partial?”
“I know what I like, that’s all.”
Owen pauses in the doorway so that I have to step up close to him. He puts a hand on my waist again. “And what do you like, Tess?”
“Something complex,” I say, without thinking. “And a little on the strong side.”
And then I step past him and into the house. It takes a bit of moving things around, tossing the dogs into a spare room, and then getting the wine, but soon we have a summer Delia variety in hand.
The bottle goes down fast, split even between us, and I go down even faster. The moment that Owen leans in and kisses me, I’m taken by it.
“Complex, huh?” He asks, shoving a hand up under my shirt. “Am I complex?”
“You sure aren’t straightforward,” I giggle, grabbing my blouse and pulling it off over my head. His shirt follows suit, then my pants, his, and somehow, I’m on my back, Owen on top of me, lips to the side of my neck, hands on my ribs, on my breasts.
“I don’t know, I think this is pretty straightforward,” Owen mutters, voice against the skin.
I throw my arms around his neck and wrap a leg around his thighs. “For a clean start? Not even close.”
Owen smiles. It’s a good look on him, softening the features that are usually much harsher. I make a note to try and get him smiling more often.
“It’s a clean start. Hello, I’m Owen, this is the first time that we’ve been together.”
“Oh my God, you’ve had entirely too much to drink,” I laugh. “That might be the worst joke I’ve ever heard!”
“I could do something that doesn’t have to do with jokes,” suggests Owen, dropping a hand between my legs. Even my panties have already made it to the floor. His fingers slide lightly over the length of my slit, end to end.
I press one leg tight to the back of the couch and throw the other over the edge of it so there’s more room for him between my legs. “That. That’s a good idea.”
His fingers press up into me, one, two, sloppy and fast because we’re both a little bit closer to tipsy than sober. But as it turns out, that just makes it even better. There’s no overthinking it, no second guessing whether or not I should really be sleeping with the boss.
Just the pure pleasure of his fingers pressed up into me, and then the pure pleasure of his cock splitting me open in the best way possible.
“Owen,” I moan his name, my nails digging hard into the skin of his broad shoulders. “Fuck! Just like that!”
“Just like that?” he says, amused, and presses a kiss to my shoulder. Then he hooks a hand under one thigh, hefting me up. When he thrusts into me, it’s deeper and harder, and better. “You sure that you don’t want it like this instead?”
My eyes squish shut.
“Come on,” coos Owen. “Look at me, sweet thing.”
They blink open again, catching those sharp blue eyes above me. “Yes, yes, like that!”