Page 63 of Doctor Enemy

It’s an obvious attempt at distracting us from asking after Sal even further, but I go for it anyway. “No, she’s got a point. I want to know what we’re doing getting Celebration Tacos.”

“It doesn’t matter,” says Amanda. “Let’s talk about–Olivia?”

Cara winces, shaking her head a little bit. My heart drops.

Amanda pushes on. “No, seriously. Did anyone ever figure out what her problem was?” She glances at me through the rear-view mirror. “Or, uh, talk to her at all after that big, you know—?”

She means when I slapped her. My cheeks go hot.

“I tried to. But she’s really attached to the idea that I shouldn’t be with Kurt. We sort of made up after I, you know…” I trail off a moment and then pick it back up with a heavy exhale. “But the moment that we actually signed papers on the house, she dropped me.”

Cara shakes her head, drums her fingers against the side of the front passenger door. “I’m telling you, she’s only acting like this because she wants to get with someone older, and she’s caught up on feeling bad about herself.”

“Could be something her parents used to say, too,” Amanda points out. Her voice gets a little softer. “It’s got to suck though, right? You two were pretty close.”

A small, sad smile crosses my face.

It's not an easy pill to swallow, but I'm learning I can't control people. They will act and think however they want. I've spent too much of my life wishing other people would behave how I want them to.

I hope Olivia learns this lesson too; she has to let people live their own lives. And I hope she finds happiness. It's just a shame she won't be around to see mine.

“Yeah. We used to be. And it does. But… You know what would make it feel a little better?” I take a deep breath, trying to gather up the grief over my lost friendship and shove it down.

“Knowing why we’re getting Celebration Tacos.”

Amanda says, “Nice try, but look, we’re already here, so the only thing that we need to focus on is actuallygettingsomething to eat.”

She pulls into the brightly lit parking lot of El Dorado and gets out of the car before I have a chance to pump her for more information.

Cara looks at me wide-eyed as though suddenly realizing how difficult it is for hernotto say anything, and then practically jumps out of the car.

With a roll of my eyes, I get out as well, following them. “You know, this would be a lot easier if you just spilled the beans.”

“Beans sound great, but I’m getting mine with just meat,” Amanda says, pointedly ignoring the actual point behind my comment.

She holds open the door, gesturing me inside. There are bright colors everywhere and loud Spanish music fills the air. It smells absolutely divine.

I spend the whole night trying to figure out what we are supposed to be celebrating, but neither Amanda nor Cara actually tell me.

By the time the meal is over and they’re dropping me back off at my house on the hill, I’m more confused than I was at the start.

At least the tacos were good, I guess.

Chapter twenty-three


ThemomentthatLoristeps into the house, I’m on her, wrapping her into a hug and pulling her close. She laughs, asking, “What’s all this about? Did you miss me that much?”

“Always,” I tell her, kissing her. It’s hard to keep my excitement hidden. I can see Amanda’s car pulling out of the driveway. She slams on the horn to signify that she’s really gone. “Did you have fun with the girls?”

“Mhm. Why do I get the feeling that the Celebratory Tacos have something to do with you?” Lori asks, sounding amused.

God damn Cara. She’s never been able to keep quiet about anything. I had been hoping that Amanda would be able to rein her in.

My disappointment must show on my face, because Lori is quick to say, “Hey, no, I don’t know what’s going on. They were both real big pains in the ass about that. But at this point, I’m literally dying to have some context.”

“I just wanted you out of the house for a bit after work,” I admit, giving her one more kiss before pulling away. I keep hold of her left wrist and start guiding her toward the kitchen. “Come on, this way.”