Page 31 of My Fated Orc Hero

Who would fit?

The elders huddle together, whispering furiously. The elf turns back to us. "No. We will not risk. For all we know, this could be a trap."

"A trap?" I sputter. "Do you think I'm in league with her now? Have you all lost your minds?"

The fairy narrows her eyes. "I should ask you just the same. You are awfully protective of this human, Thokk."

I feel my face grow hot. "I'm simply doing my duty. Protecting the innocent."

"Innocent?" the tree-person scoffs. "She's an intruder! I don’t need to tell you this!"

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Elders, please. I know this situation is ... unprecedented. But I give you my word as a warrior and protector of this town – she means us no harm. And the murals do exist. If you'd just—"

"Enough!" Faeler the Elf elder cuts me off. "We've heard quite enough, Thokk. Please give us a moment."

It takes all of my inner strength to remain silent.

The elders exchange glances again, seeming to communicate silently. Finally, Luminara speaks. "Very well. In deference to your... standing in our community, we will take the unusual step of conferring further on this matter."

I feel a glimmer of hope, but it's quickly extinguished by the elf's next words.

"In the meantime, you are to keep this human under lock and key.”

Luminara steps forward. “Or a very tight leash. Understood? We will reconvene to decide her fate... and yours, Thokk."

A chill runs down my spine. "My fate?"

The tree-person nods gravely. "Yes. Your behavior in this matter has been... concerning, to say the least. We must consider whether you are still fit for your duties."

I clench my fists, anger bubbling up inside me. How dare they question my loyalty? But before I can say anything, Zoe places a gentle hand on my arm. I look down to see her shaking her head slightly.


Now is not the time to lose my temper.

"I understand," I manage to growl out.

"Good," the elf nods. "We'll be watching you both closely. Don't do anything... rash. This is just a precaution. You give usno choice." With a wave of his hand a few ogre guards take up positions watching us from across the way.


"Well, that went... interestingly," Zoe says, her voice shaky but trying for lightness.

I grunt in response, surveying our surroundings. The village suddenly feels hostile, every shadow potentially hiding another set of watchful eyes.

"Hey," Zoe says softly, placing a hand on my arm. "You okay? Thokky?"

I look down at her, this tiny human who's turned my world upside down, unablenotto smile. "I'm fine," I grumble. But it’s a lie.

"Come on," I say, gently taking her hand, as I look over my shoulder at our new guards. "We should get back to the house."

As we walk, I'm hyperaware of every movement around us. The ogre guards follow at a distance, not even trying to be subtle. Villagers whisper and point as we pass. I pull Zoe closer, glaring at anyone who looks at her wrong.

Things are getting worse by the minute. So much for my grand plan. For the first time I am wondering if staying in Fablewood will even be an option.


Ilie awake in Thokk's bed, staring at the ceiling. His steady breathing should be comforting, but after today it only reminds me of everything I stand to lose, and even worse, everything he stands to lose because of me.