“Umm yes, in keeping withMs. Winthrop'sinterests, I've been researching mythological creatures from various cultures. I think a comparative exhibit would be fascinating! We could explore the similarities between creatures like the Greek chimera and the Hindu makara, or-"
As I speak, I notice Olivia nodding encouragingly, her eyes bright with shared passion. She can be a bit straightlaced at times, but she always has my back.
"Ms. Bennett," Dan interrupts, not even bothering to look up from his phone, "Need I remind you that we are developing a history museum, not preparing for some sort of fantasy convention?"
I feel my cheeks burning, but I press on. "But sir, mythologyishistory. These stories have shaped cultures for thousands ofyears. Plus, many of the artifacts she collected would tie in perfectly -"
“Zoe, that’s all very interesting.” I can tell by his tone he has already dismissed it. “You said you had another idea?” His tone says he thinks he is doing me the biggest favor in the world just to let me speak. I need a word worse that “douchebag” for him. Maybe “Dicksicle?”
But determined, I continue. "Yes, we could create a really engaging exhibit, like one of those tableaus you see in the Smithsonian. We could have my aunt...Ms. Winthrop in her rocking chair, reading to my grandmother as a child! My Grandmother repeated the stories to me, but she said the way my Aunt Charlote told them you almost felt you were there on one of her adventures! I think it would really bring the collection and her passion to life..."
Dan's bark of laughter cuts me off. "Miss Bennett, as I said, we are all very impressed with your connections to the Winthrop Collections, but we need to focus on hard sciences and anthropology, not indulge in folly and feelings.”
Folly and feelings!
There were times as a child, I swear, my grandmother and those stories were all I had.
I feel the tears immediately threaten to spill onto my cheeks, but thankfully I am able to prevent that further humiliation. The rest of the meeting blurs by as I struggle to keep a smile on my face. As it draws to a close, I try one more time to stand up for my ideas.
“Mr Patterson, could we just talk about...”
"We'll discuss this later," he cuts me off. "Right now I need you to catalog that box of Victorian doorknobs Cheryl found. They're somewhere in the sub-basement storage I think she said."
Before she leaves Olivia catches me. "I think your ideas are great, Zoe," she whispers. "Don’t let that tool get you down."
“Thanks Olivia, Don’t know what I’d do without ya,”
“I imagine you’d survive, though it would be difficult,” she quips.
“That’s no lie,” I say with a wink as we part ways and I trudge down to the gloomy sub-basement, muttering under my breath.
"Victorian doorknobs. My fancy college degree at work. Maybe if I'm really lucky, I'll get to sort 19th century coat hooks next."
Just as I begin to descend the second set of creaky stairs, I hear the chime of my phone. Pulling it out I see it’s my best friend Mia.
Mia:Hey how’s things?
Me: Don’t ask.
Mia: That bad?
Me: Yes. Send help. I'm being held hostage by antique hardware.
Mia: Lol what?
Me: Long story. Remind me again why I turned down the Guggenheim for this?
Mia: Because your great aunt was a total badass! Besides, the universe has bigger plans for you than a stuffy museum like that! You're where you need to be! ???
Me: Maybe if my plan is to discover a new strain of black mold. Anyhow the doorknobs are calling. Love ya.
Mia: Black mold needs love too! Sparkle on, sister! ??
I tuckmy phone away as I reach the bottom of the stairs. The sub-basement is a maze of towering shelves crammed with dusty boxes and oddities that haven't seen the light of day in decades.
"And he’s got me looking for doorknobs, of all things," I mutter.
I wander deeper into the labyrinth, coughing as I disturb years of accumulated dust. My eyes water, and I bump into a rickety shelf. A small avalanche of papers rains down on my head.