As we continue searching, I'm struck by how quickly Zoe has adapted to what must be a completely foreign world.
"You know," she giggles, "for such a big guy, you're surprisingly stealthy."
I grunt, trying to look dignified. "I'll have you know I'm renowned for my stealth."
"Oh sure, Thokky. You're as quiet as a musk ox...”
Before I can retort, I hear familiar voices approaching. "Quick, hide!" I usher Zoe behind a large bookcase.
Koda and Finn round the corner, deep in conversation. I try to turn away, but it is evident they have spotted me.
"Thokk!" Koda booms. "What the hell are you doing in here?"
I am initially caught off guard but quickly recover. “I could ask you lot the same question.
“If you must know, we were researching some of the towns in the old country,” Finn replies, his hooves clopping on the stone floor, as he warms to the topic.
“You were serious about a trip?”
“Hey, mates don’t just grow on trees, ya know, at least not in Fablewood.”
“Seems they might in Monstertown though, huh?” I do my best to sound casual. “Speaking of which, ya know Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. I’ve heard rumors that humans and monsters once lived together peacefully, can you believe that?"
They stare at me like I've grown a second head.
"Are you feeling alright?" Finn asks, concern etched on his face. "Maybe you've been spending too much time with that human prisoner,” Koda says.
“Or maybe you should move to Monstertown,” Finn adds with a laugh.
“Yeah, good one.” I pretend to laugh it off as they move on.
After they leave, Zoe emerges, brushing away a stray bit of cobweb. "They don’t’ seem too keen on human-monster relations huh? Not exactly promising."
“I told you.” I shrug.
Back home, reality starts to sink in. "We are gonna need to figure something out soon. We can't keep up this prisoner charade forever." I sigh. "The elders will get suspicious. And besides it pains me to see you collared, even if only for a few minutes. Maybe we should both go to your world. Perhaps I could live in a cave, or an old barn.”
She just looks at me. “No one is living in a cave. We’ll figure this out. Have faith Thokky."
I nod, but doubt gnaws at me. I admire the resolve in her voice, but can we really make this work? I'm determined to try, but for the first time today, I wonder if we really can make this work.
I've been in Fablewood for a few days now, and let me tell you, this place is beyond anything I could have imagined. Every corner we turn reveals some new wonder that has my inner historian doing cartwheels. Well, metaphorical cartwheels. The actual cartwheels are a bit tricky with this stupid collar on. But I get the need for it. And maybe I’ll get another massage out of the deal.
But for now I know we need to keep up the search. We've found bits and pieces - a faded mural here, a broken mosaic there - but nothing concrete enough to prove humans and monsters once lived in harmony. It's frustrating, but I'm not giving up. This town, this hidden world, it's become my passion. I could spend a lifetime studying it.
"No clues, and no Othrix."
Thokk nods in response as we duck through yet another back alley. “I think he’ll turn up when he’s good and ready.”
“Right,” I say, as I squeeze his hand reassuringly. This adventure might be crazy and dangerous, but at the same time we've grown closer with each passing hour.
As we're walking, I'm busy admiring the intricate stonework of a nearby building when Thokk suddenly tenses beside me. Ifollow his gaze and spot a group of very official-looking monsters heading our way.
"Dammit, the Elders again," Thokk whispers urgently, giving my leash a gentle tug.
Great. Just great.