"Holy crap," I breathe.
The scenes depicted are incredible, the artistry masterful. But it’s the subjects that take my breath away. Splayed across the wall is a vast scene reminiscent of many ancient murals I studied back in school. Mythical beasts ... or what I used to consider mythical at least, are shown living and working side by side humans in perfect harmony. It is almost like a Garden of Eden type scene in the feel of it, except that there are many scenes of everyday life as well. Celebrations, allegories, it seems, and... oh my. I stifle a giggle as I come across some decidedly moreintimateportrayals.
"Well, hello there," I murmur, as I take in the exquisite – and very graphic and anatomically complete representations.
As I examine the murals more closely, my mind whirs with questions and theories.
“Aren’t you a big boy ...” I murmur out loud as I come across one particularly um...excitedmonster. And just as quickly thoughts of Thokk enter my mind. Before I can help myself, I think of what was clearly visible at the first moment I laid eyes on Thokk and we touched. He had beenveryhappy to see me, it had seemed.
Zoe, enough.
I do my best to push my carnal desires onto the back burner.
Some of the symbols and just the overall style looks strangely familiar, reminiscent of items I've seen in Aunt Charlotte's collection. Could there be a connection?
I'm so engrossed in my examination that it takes me a moment to realize Thokk is calling my name. "Zoe? Everything alright?"
"Yes, I’m okay!" I call back.
"Just give me a minute!"
I do one last sweep of the room.
I have to come back here. What does it mean?
So many questions are bouncing around in my head. But right now, I guess I have bigger issues to deal with, I consider, as reluctantly tear myself away from the incredible find.
As I squeeze back through the opening, I'm struck by the look on Thokk's face as I emerge into the cool night air again. His usual gruff expression has softened. Is that genuine concern? But is it for me or for his cat?
"And Othrix?" he asks, his voice gruffer than usual.
"He got away through another hole. But Thokk, you won't believe what I found in there! There are these incredible murals of humans and monsters - I mean, magical beings, all mixed up together! And I think-"
My excited babbling is cut short as Thokk suddenly tenses, his eyes darting to something behind me. Before I can turn to look, I feel the steel of my collar snap back around my neck. But his touch is surprisingly gentle despite the urgency of his movements.
"Sorry," he whispers, his breath warm against my ear. "Play along."
I nod slightly, my heart racing. The thing is I’m not sure what has it beating faster, the fear of whoever is coming, or the feel of him so close and intimate like that...
As I turn in the direction of Thokk’s gaze I catch sight of three imposing figures as they finish rounding the corner.
What the F...
A wizened ...elf, I would guess. And, a ... maybe some kind of fairy? But the third, there is no mistaking. It’s some kind of tree person. They all look a little harried, as if they have rushed here. But despite that, it is obvious by the way they carry themselves that they are in positions of authority. I suppose their fancy robes is a bit of a giveaway too, I notice after a moment. Thokk stiffens at their approach.
"Thokk," the elfish one says, his voice confirming my assumptions. "So it is true. What are you doing with a human? And where did she come from?"
Thokk has fully shifted into his warrior persona I can tell. Whatever gentleness I just noticed is gone as he responds in a booming confident tone of his own. "Yes, Elder Faelar. I captured her. I will handle it, you needn’t worry.”
"Why is she still here?" the fairy asks, her wings shimmering.
“And what do you plan to do with her?"
I feel Thokk's grip on my arm tighten ever so slightly. I have the distinct sensation his intention is to reassure me.
“I will handle it," he says firmly. "I'll do what must be done."
A shiver runs through me at his words, though again, I'm not entirely sure if it's from fear or from his continued touch.