"This is the happiest day of my life," he rumbles. "The only thing that would make it better is ..."
Suddenly, there's a commotion at the edge of the gathering and the crowd makes a hole for a new arrival. A clear ‘meow’ cuts through the noise, before the little beast comes into view. and I watch Thokk's eyes go wide.
"Othrix!" he calls out.
Sure enough, the tabby cat saunters into view, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world. But he's not alone. Trailing behind him is a rather pretty calico.
Elowen's eyebrows shoot up. "Well, well, well. I don't recognize this little lady at all. Othrix, you sly dog... er, cat. Where have you been off to, hmm?"
Othrix just meows innocently, curling around Thokk's legs.
I can't help but laugh. "Looks like someone else has found their happily ever after as well."
Thokk scoops up both cats, cradling them both gently. "Welcome home, STB," he murmurs, as he busies himself raining soft kisses on Othrix’s head.”
“You must be the most lovable orc in all the land Thokk.”
He hands me the little calico as we embrace. “I love you, Zoe Bennet.”
“And I love you Thokk. Now and forever.”
The crowd erupts into another cheer, as we nuzzle together, cats pressed between us. I feel a warmth bubble up inside me. I couldn’t have ever imagined any of this, and yet there is not a single thing I would change. As we stand hand and hand, with our cats held close, I can’t hardly wait for whatever will come next. I have no idea what kind of adventures Fablewood has in store for us, but I’m sure ready to find out.
I'm busy trying to figure out the best way to organize the incredible collection of scrolls Charlotte Winthrop amassed when Amanda's voice cuts through my concentration.
"Earth to Olivia! Aren’t you gonna take lunch?”
I blink, realizing I've been at this for hours without moving. "Oh, right. Of course, thanks, Amanda."
She smiles, perfect teeth gleaming. "No problem. Hey, any word from Zoe?"
I shake my head. "No, I bet she’s just blowing off some steam. Serves Douchebag Dan right if you ask me. I’m glad she took her little unplanned vacation. Maybe her absence will make him appreciate her for a change. I bet she’s sipping margaritas on some tropical beach right now."
"Well, good for her," Amanda says. "Doesn’t sound half bad, to tell you the truth."
As we head to the break room, I can't help but feel a twinge of envy. Sometimes I wish I had Zoe’s guts. When was the last time I did anything spontaneous?
Um, hello Liv, like never.
"So what are you working on today?" Amanda asks as we sit down with our sad desk salads.
I perk up, always eager to share my latest research. "Oh, it's just incredible! The deeper I dig into this place, the more I admire Charlotte. She travelled the whole world way before you could just jump on plane to do it! We have barely even begun to document and collate everything that’s here!”
“This must be like heaven for you,” Amanda laughs politely.
“Kinda,” I admit, suddenly feeling embarrassed and maybe a little deflated.
Right. Amanda is on the grant writing side of things here. Normal people don't find this stuff half as exciting as I do.
I notice her perfectly styled hair, and designer shoes.
Great, another woman I can’t compete with.
Worst part is she is really nice too.
I chuckle to myself.