“Holy fucking shit that was incredible.”
For a moment he just breathes...but he finally answers
“You, Zoe Bennet, are incredible.”
And with that, I feel myself drifting off to sleep, feeling safer and more at home in this magical hidden world, and in Thokk’s bed, than I could have ever thought possible.
So much so that I hardly even give a thought to what new adventures tomorrow will no doubt bring ...
Iwake with Zoe curled against me, her soft breath tickling my chest. For a moment, I simply bask in the warmth of her presence, marveling at how perfectly she fits in my arms. How did this tiny human manage to upend my entire world in less than a day?
From the instant I caught her scent, I felt drawn to her. But last night... last night confirmed what I'd been fighting since she appeared before me at the watchtower.
She's my mate.
My one.
The connection between us is undeniable, a bone-deep certainty I've never experienced before.
Was it Elowen's spell finally working after all? Or just the hand of fate? I'm not sure I believe in either, but I can't deny the evidence of my own heart. Still, as the fog of sleep clears, anxiety creeps in. Feelings and fluffy things are great, but how in the nine hells are we going to make this actually work?
Zoe stirs, her eyes fluttering open. A slow smile spreads across her face as she focuses on me. "Morning, Thokky," she murmurs, snuggling closer.
I start to wince, but it turns into a chuckle. "Very well, you may call me that. But if you repeat it in front of anyone, so help me. Not even Othrix, once we find him of course."
"Our little secret," she says with a wink. "So, what's the plan for today? Please tell me it doesn't involve more leashes."
I sigh, rubbing at my temples. As much as I feel the bond, I can’t help but feel troubled. "I don’t know. I have been thinking Zoe. Maybe I should take you to the border. You would be safer in your world."
Zoe sits up, alarm clear in her eyes. "What? No! I don't want to go back. I don’t want to be ‘safer’, I want to stay here, with you.”
"I do want you safer," I explain gently. "The elders... they won't understand. It is not even a certainty that I can get you to your world. The only way they'd even consider letting you leave unharmed is if we wiped your memory. And even that would take some convincing. And regardless, if anyone outside the council found out..."
"Memory wipe? Forget about you? About all this? No freaking way," Zoe shakes her head vehemently. "No, no, and no. There has to be another solution.”
She is silent for a moment as she gnaws at a knuckle.
“What about those murals I saw? If we could prove humans and monsters used to coexist, wouldn’t that make a difference?"
I consider this. “I suppose it is possible that that could sway opinion...and combine it will the frustrations I know many of the unmated males have. I am not sure they are ready for the idea of human female mates, but it’s something.”
"Then that settles it. If there is even a chance, we have to go for it. We will convince them,” she says happily. Not a split second later, she asks, “How do we do that?”
“Those murals are the key.”
“Right,” she says excitedly, “So first thing, we need to learn more about them. As much as we can."
"Agreed. There might be records in the town archives, just underneath town hall."
"Why can’t we just show everyone the murals?" Her eyes are wide and innocent as she speaks. I just want to scoop her up again and pull her to me.
I sigh. She doesn’t know of the divisions amongst my kind. "The opening's too small for most. And honestly, some would probably destroy the evidence before accepting humans in our village. A few days ago, I might have been right there with them."
Zoe's quiet for a moment, digesting this. "Well, then that settles it, let’s go hit the books. How hard can it be?"
“I will go alone, Zoe. It’s too dangerous for you,”