Page 18 of My Fated Orc Hero

“Wait what...?”

“Aliens. That is another story. Anyhow, yes thankfully we have spells that keep us hidden. It is the only way. Regardless, you need not worry. Soon enough you will forget all this and be back with your kind where you belong. His frow has taken on a deeper furrow.

Forget all this?

And is that pain in his voice?

“I cannot bear...that is I do not want any harm to come to you, Zoe.”

“We’ll neither do I, believe it or not? But what do you mean ‘forget all this?” I could never forget it, oryouThokk ...”

“You don’t know what you are saying. You are in danger here. I am sorry you have had to deal with any of it. Least of all being collared like a prisoner ... but like I said, soon you will be safe ...”

“I don’t want to forget, and truth is I am glad I am here.

“He looks at me tentatively, his gruff exterior, again seeming to slip ever so slightly. “How could you be glad? Do you enjoy being my captive?”

“We’ll, that part not so much, but it would make for some interesting roleplay...”


Never mind.

He looks confused for a moment.

“If none of this had happened then I never would have met you Thokk.”

Suddenly Thokk gets that blushing look again. At least I imagine that’s what is happening...

Did I really just say that?

Yes, you most certainly did Zoe.

Yes, I did, and I meant it.

I am losing it.

God, I want to touch his face...

Perhaps I am feverish.

But thankfully before I act on my crazy impulse, he steers the conversation back to “business.”

His expression grows serious. "Tell me about these murals."

“Right!” Saved by science. I describe the murals in detail, painting a picture of a time when our races coexisted peacefully. As I speak, I notice he has gone thoughtful again.

"There were all kinds of scenes," I continue. "Daily life, celebrations, you know...really very reminiscent of things seen in many frescos ... and, um ..." I feel my cheeks heat up as I thinkabout the racier images again. "And then there were quite a few more ... er ... explicit depictions, let’s say.”

But I can see he is thinking...I don’t think he even heard that last part.

“We have stories, legends of a time when our kinds coexisted, but..." He shakes his head. "But most have just assumed it is just the thing of myth and legend. Everyone knows humans and our kind don’t mix.”

"Well, I can only tell you what’s on the frescos," I say, warming to the topic. “I’m not sure you heard me before. From what I could tell, humans and, um, monsters used to beveryclose, if you know what I mean. Very,veryclose." I say, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

Thokk's eyebrows shoot up. "What do you mean ‘very close’?"

Enough of this beating around the bush...