I grunt noncommittally, but inside, I'm... pleased? Why do I care what this human thinks of our town?
"Oh wow, look at that!" Zoe points excitedly at a group of pixies flitting between flower boxes. "Are those real fairies?"
"Pixies," I correct her. "Fairies are much bigger. And meaner."
”Oh!” Zoe listens intently as I explain the differences.
We make our way through the winding streets, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.
We pass by Elowen's Potions and Notions, and Zoe practically squeals with delight. "A real magic shop! Can we go in? Please?"
"No," I growl, tugging gently on her leash. "We're not here for sightseeing."
She pouts, and I feel a strange twinge in my chest. What is wrong with me?
As we round a corner, I spot a small group of townspeople ahead, apparently just leaving as a few shops are closing up for the night. There’s no way to avoid them.
I tug gently on Zoe's leash. "Remember, prisoner," I mutter.
She nods, schooling her features into what I assume is supposed to be a look of fear and submission. It's not very convincing.
The townsfolk gasp as we approach and jump back a step each at least. I puff out my chest, trying to look every inch the fearsome warrior who has everything under control.
"It's alright," I announce. "This human is my captive. She's no threat."
A chorus of whispers breaks out. Some look terrified, others curious. A young troll actually steps forward for a closer look.
"Is it true they have no magic at all?" he asks, eyes wide.
Before I can answer, Zoe pipes up. "If only!"
The troll blinks, confused. I tug on the leash. "Silence, prisoner," I growl, but I can't quite keep the amusement out of my voice.
This woman may very well be the death of me.
As we continue on, I can't help but notice Zoe wincing slightly. The collar must be chafing her delicate skin. Without thinking, I stop at a nearby stall, purchasing a strip of soft fur.
“My apologies, that can’t be very comfortable.”
“It’s not.” She says as she looks at me a bit side-eyed while I carefully tuck it under her make shift collar, my fingers brushing against her skin. That jolt of electricity again.
"Better?" I ask.
Zoe looks up at me, her expression having taken on a new softer affect. "Much. Thanks, Thokk."
I clear my throat, suddenly uncomfortable. "Yes, well. Good.”
The words fall short of the odd sensations I feel with her.
As we near the town square, I'm jolted out of my thoughts by Zoe's gasp. "What is that?" she asks, pointing at the massive worn and moss-covered stone structure that's stood there for as long as anyone can remember.
"Just an old eyesore," I shrug. "A pile of rocks. Been there forever."
But Zoe's studying it intently, a small frown creasing her forehead.
But at this point I just want to get to the safety of my place. Still, seeing the town almost anew through her eyes and with her enthusiasm ... it is surprisingly infectious. I catch myself pointing out landmarks before I can stop myself.