I know I didn’t know this beforehand. I never would have let this happen; he was a stranger. Nate’s subtle flirtation made me feel incredibly guilty of the situation at hand. How could I confess to the one person who meant the world to me that her own brother was Mr Barcelona? Ivy had asked for details of the events.
I couldn’t even begin to imagine how much worse this would be if I actuallyhadtold her all the intimate details of her brother. I was mortified. To make it worse I couldn’t even get out of dinner this evening after accepting the invitation, so now I had to endure this.
My anxiety was bubbling just below the surface. A part of me wanted to run but my body wouldn’t let me, another part wanted to speak up and question Nate but that would give us away. Another part wanted to just tell Ivy the truth. I didn’t want to keep secrets from my best friend. We never had secrets. I got lost in my thoughts, needing a distraction or excuse to leave the room and fast. I was relieved when Nate finally spoke up.
“I've got a meeting in town soon so I'll pop by later. In the meantime, tidy!” He twirled his keys on his finger, and kissed Ivy's cheek, taking a moment of her attention as she resumed the dishes before he walked towards me. Nate towered over me, gently brushing his hand intentionally over my arm, goosebumps forming.
“Nice to meet you Gi, see you around.” He was playing with me. My head spun and my stomach produced butterflies to accompany the nausea I was feeling. I couldn’t work out if thenausea was from last night’s alcohol or the chain of events this morning.
This changedeverything.
As planned, that evening, I attended dinner with Ivy and her parents. Carol and Mark had returned home from a couple’s retreat that afternoon,justas we had put the house back together, talk about timing. Their week had consisted of a wellbeing spa treatment followed by yoga on the beach overlooking the crystal blue sea, and evening strolls hand in hand along the white sandy beach at sunset. The photos looked incredible.
We helped Carol prepare dinner as we both updated her on our week, the current wedding plans and the evening we’d had yesterday. Ivy had also mentioned that Nate popped by this morning, Carol’s face lit up at his name but slowly faded, like a painful memory. I wasn’t sure of the ins and outs and to be honest, it wasn’t my place, but it was obvious this family rift ran deeper than I thought. Mark set the table, bringing out the serving dishes full of food, ready to help ourselves, and poured some champagne that his job had gifted them for their anniversary.
Her parents always made me feel welcome, they were asecond family to me. It made me feel incredibly lucky that they treated me like a daughter too. We took our seats at the large family oak table in the separate dining room, taking a serving of everything and began to eat together. A soft playlist in the background filling the silence between topics.
“So, Ivy told me you had a brief holiday hook-up,” Carol chuckled, raising her eyebrows, impressed. I almost choked on my food. I knew Ivy and her Mum were like best friends and it was harmless, but it took me by surprise.
The resemblance between Ivy and her Mum was very clear. It was like Carol was an older sister, but they also shared stories. If Ivy needed any advice, Carol was there. Ivy apologised to me, not realising her Mum would share this conversation. I chuckled; I honestly didn’t mind. Carol was like a second Mum to me but given the recent revelation, I kind of wanted to leave this topic in the past.
“That’s true. I was away for work and I met him at the bar,” I smiled, keeping it as vague as possible. Carol knew this wasn’t my usual behaviour so, just like Ivy, she was intrigued.
“Oh, I see, what was he like? Was he handsome?” She leaned in a little, studying me as she took a sip from her champagne.
“Yeah, he was,” I smiled, as I thought about the interaction I’d had with him this morning. I copied her actions, drinking from my own glass.
“The best sex of her life,” Ivy boasted, I choked on my drink again. I kicked her leg under the table to signal her to stop.
“Really? I want details,” her mother chimed.
Mark cleared his throat at his wife; we had completely forgotten that he was there. It felt like a girl’s night. I shook my head, chuckling at the teenage girl behaviour displayed between Ivy and her mum. I needed to change the subject, and fast as my anxiety bubbled.
“No, I don't kiss and tell,” I said, smirking and sipping my drink trying to end this conversation. I was not about to tell them intimate details about their own family member.
“That good huh?” Carol chimed. I nodded in agreement and that was all they were going to get.
“Did you get his name?”
“No,” I half-lied. I didn’t at the time but finding out his name just this morning, I couldn’t disclose that without the can of worms opening. Carol looked shocked.
“That's why we call him Mr Barcelona,” Ivy sang, rolling the nickname off her tongue seductively as she sank back in her chair, taking a swig of champagne.
Just then I felt heat on my back, I didn't want to turn around. I knew who was standing against the door frame but I wasn't sure how long he had been standing there. Not knowing how much he had heard and not wanting to add to his already gigantic ego.
“Mr Barcelona?” He asked, clearly amused. My face went bright red as I turned to face him, thankful that the champagne glass was in my hand so I could take a sip and conceal myembarrassment.
“Nate!” Carol jumped up from the table, running towards him, placing her hands on his cheeks and pulling him close. Just like earlier with Ivy, his frame engulfed hers.
“Happy Anniversary, Mum” he smiled, and gifted her a long blue velvet box, inside was a gold-plated tennis bracelet with rubies. It was tradition for a 40th wedding anniversary, also known as a Ruby anniversary, to be gifted with something that resembled that stone. Her eyes welled up at the gesture. He kissed her cheek as she hugged him tightly against her. She closed the gift box and rested it on the windowsill.
“Come, stay for dinner.” She invited; she placed him in the seat beside me. “Have you met Gigi?” She reintroduced us as she set a place for him.