Page 51 of Yours, Truly

“How's your job, Gi?” Brie smirked, as she crossed her arms over the chest. “Didn’t your company close a month ago?”FUCK.

My mum’s eyes widened at me, I hadn’t told her. I should have known that Brie would find out and expose it. Malicious bitch. A smug grin on her face.

“Yeah, that's true, I've been taking some time to myself before my next move. My company lost a lawsuit and had to close.” I shrugged like it was nothing. Work wasn’t everything and I knew that now.

“Oh, honey. I know work was something you focused on,” Mum comforted me.

“It was, but I quite like this time. I'm finding myself, enjoying my relationship. I feel good.” And for once it was the truth. I felt content with who I was at this moment and where I was in life.

“Good for you darling,” Nana praised, always in my corner. Brie grumbled when her sabotage failed.

We joined the men outside when they called us for food, we sat on the outside table which Mum and Dad had set up earlier that morning. The talk of football or cars featured as the maintopics amongst them. We had salad, potato salad, all kinds of meat, corn on the cob, a true feast of whatever could be put on the BBQ. We sat and spoke about anything and everything. We were all enjoying the day and having a laugh. That was until Brie tried her shit again.

“How’s the mental health sis?” Brie piped up. The whole table went silent and all eyes fell on me.

“Good, why?” I asked. It made the atmosphere awkward.

“Brie,” James sternly whispered. She shot him daggers before focusing back on me. If there was one thing I had never seen, it was James speaking up to Brie. He usually just let her say whatever she wanted, lost in his phone or emails for his job.

“Just wondering if Nathan has had to send you to a counsellor yet? Can’t be easy with no job. Being stuck at home while your man provides for you? I thought you were against that.”

I took a breath, letting my eyes meet everyone that stared back at me, my parents seemed embarrassed looking at each other, Brie looked smug awaiting for my reply, Nana and Nate looked annoyed and James looked disappointed in Brie. You could cut the tension with a knife.

A part of me wanted to launch myself across the table and beat the shit out of her, but the other part of me won out. I put my food down and focussed all my attention on her. Composing myself as my blood boiled beneath the surface. I needed to defend myself but in a way that I didn’t ruin this dinner, this time with my family.

“It’s all good, thank you for asking” I smiled, not taking myeyes off her. “But I don’t see how it’s any ofyourbusiness what my situation is. I can provide for myself and my mental health is better than it's ever been. Maybe I should ask you how your marriage is?” I diplomatically replied, hinting towards the fact she often tried to mask whatever shit was going on behind closed doors. I knew Brie, I knew when things were falling apart; she was a terrible actress. I felt bad, putting James in the firing line, but the look in his eyes confirmed my suspicions.

“All good,” she swallowed, looking away from me to chew on a piece of steak.Not so cocky now Brie.Her eyes teared up, evidence that I’d hit a nerve, but I wasn’t going to be treated like shit anymore. I could hold my own and I needed to stand up for myself. I was done with taking her shit, I had put up with it long enough.

“Good. Anything else?” I proceeded ready for the next bitchy remark, she refused to meet my gaze. The table was still quiet, not sure how to recover from mine and Brie’s spat, no one wanted to get involved. Real truths were coming to light that even though my life was a mess, I didn’t doubt that Brie’s was a lot messier right now. Brie remained a lot quieter the rest of the day.

Nate praised me at how diplomatically I handled my sister and commented that maybe I could become a lawyer with that tone and stare.

James and Nate talked a lot, sometimes about work even though they were different sectors, they had a lot to discuss and learn from each other. But all I could think about was going back home and snuggling with Nate.

Later that evening, I wanted to stop by my apartment; check the mail, swap over some clothes and give it a quick hoover to get rid of those little dust bunnies that wanted to come live here when I wasn’t. The fact was, I had pretty much moved in with Nate.

I collected my mail, letting myself in the familiar apartment. I breathed in the smell of my home, not as fresh, but it still smelt of me, like a comfort. I sat down to open the unexpected brown envelope, it looked official. I was anxious hoping it had nothing to do with Mr Cato, or was I going to be evicted?

It was from Angelina and the company. Nate watched me closely, concerned as he couldn’t see the content, just my reactions. I pulled out the file, attached was a piece of paper that looked like a cheque. My eyes immediately drew to the figure written on there with my name on top.This is a mistake. There were way too many zeros.

I read the legal letter attached, explaining this was in fact correct, it was compensation from them and Mr Cato. My hand flung to my mouth, this was life changing. I looked up at Nate who had a tiny smile. I was guessing he knew exactly what this was.HOLY SHIT!

“Nate, you knew about this?” his smirk gave it away.

He chuckled, nodding at me.“Who do you think made them add that many zeros?” I couldn’t believe it. He did this for me.

“Do you know what this means?”I asked him.

“Thatyoucan buymean expensive dinner for a change?” he jested, I swatted his chest. I could do that but that wasn’t what I meant.

“I can start my own company!” I chuckled, this was the limitation holding me back and there was no way I would have let Nate help me set up. I screamed in excitement. “But I don't even know where to start.”

Anxiety suddenly drowned out the excitement as realisation hit, the dream was close, it now became daunting.

“You'll need this…” Nate said as he walked to his briefcase he had brought in from the car and placed it on my kitchen island, pulling out a brown A4 envelope. My hands were shaking, as I took it, the same matching envelope. Confusion washed over me and I carefully opened the letter, worried whatever was in it was going to jump out at me. I pulled out more paper to find a list of contact names, emails and businesses. I skimmed the list and found one name I recognised; Samuel. My eyes lit up; if this was what I thought it was, then I already had a business.

“I contacted a lot of clients and your previous business ventures. I explained to them that the company had fallen. I explained that you had branched off to start up a marketing company yourself and that's when Samuel took a risk. He trustsyouGi. He convinced many more clients to follow. Business is set. I assured them you have the best lawyer in the business,” he explained sitting beside me. I couldn't believe my ears.