Page 50 of Yours, Truly

I guessed Nate was confessing everything to her, and it felt good to have another person know about us.

“I think Gi is good for you Nate. You've changed and you seem a lot happier, more stable within yourself and being vulnerable. I like this side of you.” I blushed hearing the words, Carol had always adored me and I knew she wanted the best for her children. For them to be happy and lovedunconditionally.

Nate spoke louder now, which allowed me to hear his response this time. “She's the best thing in my life Mum. We didn't plan for this. It just sort of happened naturally.”

I peeked into the kitchen to see him and gave a warm smile; I felt the same.

“She's a keeper, Nate. Don't fuck it up.” She pulled him in for a hug, his eyes glowing as his Mum accepted us.

“I don't plan to,” he smiled softly and gestured for me to come back in, pulling me to his side and placing an arm affectionately around my waist.

“What if Ivy hates the idea of us?” I asked Carol, looking to Nate for reassurance. This was what was playing on my mind as we got a lot closer to us telling her. I couldn’t shake this thought.

“She won’t, she loves you Gi.” Carol takes my face in hers and kisses my cheek. “She loves you both. And if it comes to it, we'll talk her round together,” she takes both mine and Nate’s hand in hers. “She would want you to be happy but please, make sure you tell her.” We both nod in agreement, relieved that this would all be out soon.

“Thank you, Mum.” Nate smiled and gave her a big bear hug, his frame swallowed her tiny frame. In a world of uncertainties having Carol on our side was just the thing we needed. Now it was time to tell the one person who needed to know. When she returned from the honeymoon.



We had a couple weeks left in our bubble while Ivy and Jude enjoyed their honeymoon as newlyweds. This gave us time to not only enjoy our time but to plan how we were going to tell her. The anxiety of her hating me was prominent in my mind, I couldn’t see past it. I was convinced I was going to lose my best friend. I was scared she was going to hate us, or even worse hate me.

Nate could feel the worry that consumed me daily. He was the opposite, cool as a cucumber. He didn’t have anything to lose, whereas I had everything. He was convinced Ivy would be fine, he even joked that ‘she kept forcing us together so it was her fault’. I think Nate’s jokes were his way of covering up his own nerves.

Carol had called us a couple days after the wedding to check in. Mark didn’t remember what happened, or the fight between him and Nate. All he knew was he had a broken nose and assumed he’d hit his face when he fell on the ground. In a wayI was grateful that we left him to believe that, it made it easier than explaining the truth.

We were heading to my family’s house today for a summer BBQ. My Dad had been pestering me about Nate coming over again as he wanted to talk more about car stuff. I accepted, reluctantly, as I knew Brie was meant to be there and I didn’t have time for the dramatics. There was another issue to face as I hadn’t told them about the job loss, the lawsuit or the sexual assault. These were not things I planned to discuss in front of Brie so that would be a conversation for another time.

Nate was more excited than me to visit my parents. We took his Porsche, parking it between my sister’s and my dad’s cars. Mum ran over to us, hugging Nate and accepting the new arrangement of flowers he bought for her again; this seemed to become a bit of a tradition every time we visited. And again, a new bottle of whiskey for him and my Dad to try. They were working their way through all the brands around the world.

Mum hugged me and then took Nate’s hand, dragging him into the kitchen to get him a drink. Nate felt so comfortable with my parents now, he made himself at home and didn’t need me by his side. My Dad hugged me and guided me to the kitchen.

“How is my little bug?” He greeted me.

“I'm good, Dad,” I finally admitted with a breath of relief. We followed Mum into the kitchen, before she dragged Nate into the living room and introduced him to Brie, James and also Nana. James shook Nate’s hand and my sister just smiled. They had previously met and it wasn’t a good first impression of Brie.

My eyes shone as I saw my Nana on the sofa, she must have a day pass from the nursing home. It was good to see her, she was fragile but looked in good health which was so good to see.

“Nana, this is Nate. Gi's handsome boyfriend,” Mum announced, embarrassing me. He crouched down and took my Nana’s hand, before she pulled him in for a hug and kissed his cheek. Nate was surprised but went with it.

“Hey Nana,” I smiled, giving her the biggest hug I could without breaking her fragile frame.

“My darling. You look beautiful as ever,” she smiled, cupping my face. Brie scoffed. I have to admit I was always Nana’s favourite. I spent so many summers at her house, making memories, but also just helping her with chores when she needed.

We were really close until she had a fall and had to be moved to a care home. At first it was hard but she settled in well and she enjoys daily activities and the company of others rather than being in a lonely big house. I hadn’t visited her as much since she moved there and it made me feel guilty.

She tapped the chair next to her and asked Nate to sit beside her. She then began to fire questions at him and give him advice all while she doted on me.

Brie glared at me, pissed that no one was giving her any attention. That it was all about me and Nate. She hated it.

“Nana, did I tell you me and James are ready to have a baby?”

“That's good, dear,” she replied, before turning her attentionback to Nate.

Brie continued, “Also, James just got promoted to the head of his company!” She boasted, looking at me sarcastically.

“Congratulations mate.” Nate smiled, looking towards James, which encouraged both the boys to speak to each other. This was the longest I had seen James off his phone. Dad ushered the men to the BBQ outside to start the cooking and to try the new whiskey.