I arched my hips upwards begging him for more. It felt incredible, he was right, this was definitely not going to be a night I was going to forget. My body trembled at his every touch, at every stroke of his tongue. I pleaded for him to keep going but he stepped away when I got close, leaving me frustrated but also crazed, like an addict; I needed more.
“Not yet, sweetheart,” he tutted. He climbed off the bed and searched his trouser pocket, pulling out his wallet for a condom.Good, a guy that takes responsibility. If it wasn’t obvious before, it was just clarified that this was a usual night for him and I was the meaningless, naive victim. A slight tightening in my chest appeared as it became apparent I was a toy to be used and disposed of. I had to remember this was a one-night stand for me too, no strings attached. After this I would never see him again. I could live with that; this was the new me. I was going to have fun with this meaningless one-night stand, it was time to break some old habits.
The space felt cold with his body inches away, the heat simmering down a little. He freed himself from his pants and my eyes widened at the sight, confirming the big dick energy. He smirked when he noticed my reaction.
“As promised, I’ll be gentle,” he said as he slid the condom on. He returned to focus on me, warming me up a little more until he gradually pushed himself inside me, observing me take his length. At first, it was an adjustment but after a second, it felt so good, hitting spots I didn’t know I even had.
Our bodies moved together in sync as we found the perfect rhythm, tender at first, before increasing the speed and roughness as we got ourselves close. We didn’t stop until we were both finished and satisfied. Sweaty and exhausted, he collapsed on the bed beside me. We giggled as our eyes met. It was the best sex I had ever had in my life. We decided to go again another couple of times. By the time we were finished, it was 1am; we had spent hours together. First meeting and drinking at the bar, then he took his time pleasuring me, over and over again. We both laid in silence settling our bodies, not able to go again. We caught our breath before my brain asked a stupid question.
“So, what now?” I asked confidently before internally scolding myself, not really sure what I was expecting from this. The stranger made me feel surprisingly comfortable with him, as if there was no judgement, which made my brain unfiltered.
“Well, this is where I leave like a douche and you’ll never see me again,” he chuckled.
“Perfect,” I smiled, but my heart hurt a little at the thought. Iwasn’t sure what I was expecting from this interaction. Some kind of fairytale?Get real, Gi. This is also why I never did casual; to me this kind of intimacy always had meaning to me. Maybe I was one of those women who couldn’t just do this, maybe I needed more, this intimacy level for me was more than just sex. It was connection, admiration, and love.
“Great,” he smiled back, but it felt a little forced. Maybe this wasn’t a regular thing for him either, maybe he was just confident. He scrambled out of bed, placing his suit back on perfectly as if nothing had happened. He fixed his hair in the vanity mirror, gaze meeting mine. I dragged the duvet up to cover my body, I didn’t need to be exposed anymore, the moment was over. My cheeks flushed; I may have been confident as this happened but now, I was a little more apprehensive, more exposed and vulnerable than I needed to be.
“Don’t wait for a call! I won’t call you, you know,” he grinned at me as he broke the tension. It was a comfortable tension, there was nothing awkward. “Don’t worry, I won’t be waiting,” I chirped, matching his playfulness “See you,” I finalised, wanting him to leave asap, not letting this get any more awkward.
“Bye, stranger,” he smiled tenderly, glancing over at me one more time. My eyes followed him as he let himself out.
When the door shut, I climbed out of bed, tossing on a dressing gown and raiding the mini fridge to pour a hefty glass of wine, taking the edge off. My lips tingling from his kisses, my legs throbbing, feeling a little sore. I retrieved my phone out ofmy purse and strolled out to the balcony to be met with the warm air.
The city was still alive below even though it was peaceful. I kept thinking to myself should I have got his number or at least his name?
My anxiety slowly getting the better of me, I began to read into the events of the evening, mainly because it had been a while since I last had sex and even that was in a serious relationship. I wasn’t a casual or one night stand kind of girl, I needed it to mean something.
I was still coming down from the high he made me feel. I sat in the lounge chair that overlooked the horizon before snapping a quick photo for my Instagram account. The snowy fabric of the dressing gown elegantly exposing my shoulders, messy orange curls tumbling over my shoulder, my skin with the post-sex glow, lips fully plumped and a deep shade of red. Finally, the view of the city behind me was accompanied by a glass of wine in my hand. I looked incredible and I felt beautiful. He made me feel beautiful. Caption; Living my Best Life.
The sound of the post uploading and notifications coming in fast and frequent didn’t fill the empty void that consumed me. The fake online presence tugged at me as I looked back at the post not recognising myself, this confident version of me. I sat for a while drinking, thinking, admiring the view before I had to return home and back to reality. Back to my mundane life where this would all feel like some crazy dream.
That night, after the stranger left, I couldn’t sleep, seeing the disappointment that flashed on his face as he left the hotel room without my name. His surprising reaction pulled at my heartstrings, guilt consumed me and I overthought if it would have been a big deal to give him my name. The niggle caused me to quickly pack up my things, check out early and sit in the airport most of the night waiting for my morning flight. I needed to put as much distance as I could between myself and the events of the night. I had to leave before I was tempted to track him down and give him my identity and contact details.
No, it’s just a one-night stand Gi. That was the deal.
I told myself, I had sworn that I was going to have a killer night and have something to regret, well maybe this was it. The regret wasn’t the mindblowing night of passion I had experienced, it was the mystery of the unknown stranger.
The wait for the plane and the flight itself felt like it took forever, especially when I was tired and coming down from a high. Even my usual coffee didn't give me the caffeine buzzI wanted so badly. When I arrived home, welcomed by the familiar environment, I retreated to my bed to catch a few hours’ of sleep before I had to endure the afternoon at the spa with Brie.
The spa was in the middle of nowhere; an hour's drive from the city. I embraced the fresh cooling autumnal air as I stepped into the luxurious, old fashioned, white stoned manor house where Brie was waiting in the reception area, a trashy gossip magazine in her hand. She tucked it back into her luxury designer Kate Spade handbag before she rose to her feet to greet me.
I had made the mistake of allowing Brie to choose the destination, one that was going to make a dent in my bank account. But anything to keep her from picking a fight. She gave me a hug, taking me by surprise at her sign of affection. I hugged her back of course, taking in the rare moment and treasuring it until the next one would come. After we exchanged a pleasant hello, I checked us in and we were given a tour of the facility, with a complimentary glass of champagne.
It was beautiful, the spa was modern, whites paired with golds and blues giving a coastal feel to the place. There was a tennis court, a golf course in the distance and an outside pool with sand and beach chairs. There was also a Michelin restaurant attached to the venue, which was where we would be dining for lunch. I grumbled internally.That’s my savings out the window for this month.We were led back to the reception area to bookour treatments for the day and then we began, with Brie taking charge.
According to Brie, the party was a 'disaster'. She complained all day at the spa, making it hard to relax but as I’d promised to make it up to her, I couldn’t back out now. In Brie's world the smallest thing became the biggest disaster. She would freak out, get angry and hold grudges for days if things didn't go her way.
The cake wasn’t the flavour she wanted and the decorations looked so tacky that she’d had a meltdown at the door, refusing to go in until James finally convinced her to enter.
She also noticed an old nemesis had turned up as she was dating a mutual friend. From the way Brie described her day it seemed like there wasn’t anything good about the party. Which would explain the embrace she gave me today, she clearly needed it.
Despite her moaning, I was enjoying the spa. We grabbed lunch, which was the best food I had ever eaten in my life, before we went for the one thing I had been looking forward to all day; Masks and Bubbles.
We let the mud masks settle as we sat in the jacuzzi sipping cocktails, I kept the drinks coming and it was something Brie had picked up.