But she can’t reply because she’s biting her lip and making that familiar face. This time, she shrieks as she comes, the sheets bunched tightly in her fists. I can feel her pulsing around me, her body twitching as she heaves in quick breaths.
“Seriously, baby? Again?”
Amani and I have a fantastic sex life, but usually neither of us is in a tremendous rush. Her smile is hazy as she sinks her head back into the mattress. “I’m so spent. I can’t come again, Adam. Please, just finish.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I tease. I bury into her for another minute before I empty inside of her, joining her in the high of relief. I fall to the side of her and pull her into my embrace. She feels like a little furnace, warming the side of my naked body.
“I might have to keep you forever,” she says. “That was so good. Better than ever before.”
I kiss the top of her head. “Glad to hear I’m keepable. Now what?”
She snuggles into me tighter. “Didn’t you say earlier you had to swing by LMC briefly this afternoon?”
“I did, but now I don’t.”
“Meeting got canceled?” she asks.
“Yeah. Just now, in my mind. I’m not leaving you today. End of story. Why don’t you get cleaned up and I’ll order an early dinner? We can watch a movie.”
She looks up at me, a mischievous smile on her face. “Can I pick?”
I shake my head. “I don’t think pregnancy rom-coms are a good idea tonight, Amani.”
“I agree. But Bridget Jones, one and two, are not baby related.”
“Ugh,” I groan. “Dammit.”
She jostles us both as she laughs. “Okay, I’ll compromise. How about you pick the movie, but I pick dinner?”
“What do you want for dinner?”
“In-N-Out cheeseburger, no onions, extra pickles, extra secret sauce. With a Cherry Coke and I want my own fries.”
I can’t help but laugh. She’s ordering like she’s the one who just did all the work in the sheets. “Okay, baby. In-N-Out for dinner, and we can watch Bridget Jones for the millionth time.”
She taps her fingers against my chest, then runs them up and down my abs. “I said I’d compromise. You can pick the movie.”
“I did,” I tell her. “I pick what makes my girl happy. It’s that simple.”
“Adam, you’re amazing. You treat me like a literal princess.”
“Because I love you,” I tell her. But the truth is, I’m terrified now that I can’t give Amani what she really wants…
She’s going to leave me behind.
Iend up being seated next to Goofy at Carson’s birthday dinner. Alex and Tara paid extra for the entire Mickey Mouse cast to make an appearance. Carson was great with Mickey, Minnie, and the girl duck whose name escapes me. But Goofy freaks Carson out and was banished to the opposite side of the table…next to me.
“Please stop,” I say in exasperation to Goofy. He just poked me in the arm for the third time.
I’m extra agitated because I haven’t heard from Amani. She says she’s fine, but I know today was a tough day for her. Her appointment with Dr. Michel was this morning. She didn’t want me to go, thinking I’d make a fuss over nothing. Honestly, I think she wanted to be emotional in private, which I have no choice but to respect. We should’ve had ample time to meet up afterward and drive to Carson’s birthday celebration together, but she texted me saying she got held up and would meet me here as soon as she could.
I had no choice but to leave her ticket at will-call and go celebrate my nephew’s birthday with my family.
“Dude!” I glare at Goofy, who just tickled my ear. “Are you that bored?” He nods and shrugs. Then he fans himself with his giant dog paw. “And you’re burning up in that damn suit, huh?”
He nods again.