Okay, fuck. That look isn’t startled, that’s pissed.
“Seriously? From the guy who hits on me relentlessly—no,shamelessly? You’re turning me down?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m turning you down—”
“Was this just a cat-and-mouse thing? You wanted me to admit I like you so you had the upper hand?”
“I don’t—Wait,doyou like me?” I reach for her knee again, but she unsubtly shuffles away. She fishes through her clutch and pulls out my key. “Oh,come on, Amani.”
She places it on the table and slides it over to me. “I think I just lost my damn mind for a moment. It’s time for me to go home. There’s absolutely no reason for me to stick around here.”
“Please don’t be mad. You’re misunderstanding. It just seems like you need a friend, not to get laid.”
She taps the key on the table. “I have amazing friends. The kind of friends who are family. I don’t need any more. Will you please just tell me where I can pick up my car and then take me home?”
Fuck me.“Just wait a minute,” I say in my calming agent voice, the same one I use when there’s tension at the negotiation table. The narrative as Chase’s manager usually goes something like:Everything’s fine. Let’s just take a big breath and then let me explain how and why I’m going to get my way in the end.But the way Amani is glaring at me, I have a feeling I can’t schmooze my way out of this one.
She pulls her phone out of her clutch warningly. “If it’s too much trouble, I can call for a ride.”
Goddammit.I grumble as I scoot out of the booth and pull my keys out of my pocket. “Fine, I’ll take you.”
Yup. A rewind button would be fantastic at the moment.Pause…rewind…and replay.And this time when Amani asks, “Do you want to have sex?”I keep my stupid mouth shut and just nod, really fucking eagerly.
The first thing I notice when I pull up to Chase’s beach house is Cici’s car already in the driveway.Good.For once, I’m actually thrilled to see Cici’s here. I had to wait for twenty minutes at her favorite bakery for a fresh batch of crullers. Part one of my bribe.
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate Cici Russell, Chase’s publicist, and one of the most important people on his team. Her value probably outweighs mine in our shared plight to help Chase survive Hollywood. She’s far cleverer than I’ll ever be. But of course, I’ve never said this to her face. Looking back, I don’t know how our feud started or if it’s actually a feud. I just know we live to give each other shit. Call it entertainment. And sure, I’ll tease the crap out of Cici because I love her like a little sister. Meaning, I’ll mess with her, but I sure as hell won’t tolerate anyone else doing it. Isn’t that called family?
“No,” Cici says as I walk through the door with a shit-eating grin. I didn’t ask anything yet. That’s just the first word out of Cici’s mouth when she sees me:no. Or sometimes,ass.
She’s posted at the kitchen island, enjoying the morning ocean breeze with the sliding glass doors wide open. It’s a great view of the beach. It’s why I talked Chase into buying this property. Houses can be renovated and upgraded, but this view will be perfect forever.
“Oh, come on, C.” I place the box of crullers at the edge of the long island and slide it toward her like a fancy bartender. “I brought coffee too.” I hold up the takeout coffee cup in my hand. “This is yours if you want it.”
Cici glances at me from the corner of her eyes and taps the empty mug between her hands. “I’m making a pot of coffee now.”
“So?” I ask, sitting down on the kitchen stool next to her. “This is Twirley’s. Swap?”
Sliding the blue mug away from her with one hand, I scoot the takeout cappuccino in front of her and then open the lid to the box of baked goods. There are mostly crullers in here. I bought one strawberry jelly filled donut for myself.
“Awfully chivalrous of you,” Cici says, eyeing me suspiciously. She tucks her platinum blond hair behind her ear as she sniffs at the box. “You had them put the cinnamon glaze on, didn’t you?”
I nod adamantly.
“Dammit,” she says, succumbing. She takes a quick sip from the Twirley’s takeout cup and then lunges for a cruller. She takes a big bite, chews, and swallows in a hurry. “I’m still livid at you. This fixes nothing.” Cici takes another big bite.
The meeting I skipped to help Amani a few days ago was one that Cici arranged. It was some sort of brand sponsorship for an athletic wear company that she thought Chase would be perfect for. She’d been wooing them for months and needed me to seal the deal and sign the paperwork…but I blew them off.With good reason.
“C, I know you’re mad but—”
“No.No excuses. It was rude, Adam. You left me hanging at the meeting alone, looking like an idiot. They didn’t want to talk to me. They wanted to talk to you.”
“I’m sure you handled yourself flawlessly, as you usually do, Cici.”
She scowls. “Don’t try to butter me up. While Chase has been in la-la land, fixing the wreckage his ex left behind, I have been trying to keep this boat from sinking.By myself.You guys make money, and my job is to make sure Chase’s reputation isn’t a complete shitshow. Over the past few years, which one of us has had the harder job? Hm? I asked you for one favor.One.Aim Athletics has a squeaky-clean record, it was an easy six-figure offer, and Chase could film commercials in his sleep. This was good for him andyoufucked it up—”