Page 98 of First Comes Forever

“Wow.Lady and the Tramp?” I ask. “That’s your big play?” I laugh at him, then nudge his shoulder with mine. “I’m happy for you. You guys make a beautiful family. I like Tara. I hope she’s my sister-in-law one day.”

Alex winks. “Working on it. Speaking of which, where’s Amani? I thought you were bringing her.”

“She got stuck at the doctor’s.”

“How’d everything with IVF work out for her?”

I shake my head, tapping my fist against my lips. “It didn’t take, and she’s out of time.” I blow out a breath.

“Oh shit, man. How’s she doing?”

“She just found out a week ago. I think she’s still absorbing it.”

“Damn, I’m sorry.” Alex pats my shoulder firmly. “She doesn’t have to come to all this if she’s not feeling up to it.”

Reaching under my chair, I pull out a medium-sized box. “Are you kidding? She’s been so excited to give Carson his present. She wouldn’t miss it.” I shake the box, then hand it to Alex.

“Do you know what it is?” Alex asks, viewing the box covered in kaleidoscope-colored wrapping paper.

“Tennis shoes that quack like Donald Duck every single time he takes a step.” I try to hold back my smile. “They light up in the dark, too.”

Alex levels a stare at me. “Burn those.”

I burst out laughing. “Not a chance. Carson is going to love them.”

He shakes his head, giving me a reluctant smile. “Tara probably will too. Geez. All right, I have to check on the caterers. They’re supposed to be bringing the cake out.” Alex rises, smoothing out the wrinkles in his pants.

“Hey,” I call after him and he turns around. I hold up Amani’s gift with a shit-eating grin. “Don’t forget Carson’s present.”

Alex rolls his eyes and snatches the box from me.

* * *

I’m stuffed from dinner, but the smell of fresh funnel cakes is a siren’s call for me. I have an affinity for refined food, but there’s something about fried dough with sugar. Donuts, churros, funnel cakes—they are my weakness. I’m about to peel myself off the green plastic bench and follow my nose to dessert, but a soft voice stops me.

“May I sit with you?”

My mother stands before me, looking sheepish. I debate telling her I was just on my way to grab a snack, but I know it takes courage for her to approach me. I don’t want to reject her today at Carson’s birthday party.

“Of course.” I gesture to the space beside me. “Where’s Carson?”

“They went back to the room to change him for the pajama party parade.”

“Gotta love Disneyland.”

“Are you going?” Mom asks.

“Nah,” I say. “I’m just waiting for Amani. Carson’s enjoying his time with Tara’s family. They’re only in town for a couple more days. Let them soak up their quality time while they can.”

She sighs, stretching out her legs. “I feel the same. Plus, I’m exhausted. Disneyland is quite the workout.” She holds up her wrist, showing off a pink fitness watch. “I quadrupled my normal steps today.”

I chuckle. “Good for you, Mom.”

There’s an awkward, silent lull, until she finally says, “Well, I should head to the parking lot. Then the three-mile trek back to my car…if I can even find it.”

“I’ll walk you out. It’s getting dark. I don’t want you going by yourself.”

I wait for her to stand up, ready to follow suit, but she doesn’t move. Instead, Mom stares at me, a pained smile on her face.