Knew it. So wait, does that mean I’m not funny, or I have bad taste in restaurants?
Anyway, what’re you doing?
Can you sneak away and call me? I need to tell you something that can’t wait.
His text gives me nervous butterflies. He’s been my boyfriend for a while now, but I’m still going through all the flirty nerves as I continue to get to know him. How can we be so new, but so committed at the same time? Never in my life did I expect a man to help me have a baby that isn’t his.
Maybe that’s why I don’t want to tell my friends. It makes no sense, dangerous even. One of us is bound to get hurt. But when it’s just Adam and me, it makes perfect sense. There’s healing, laughter, pleasure, and so much hope. That’s the whole dilemma, the reason I’m putting off the inevitable in L.A.
Adam is my hope.
One second.
“Quinn,” I call through the bathroom door. “I’m going to grab a snack. Want anything?”
“No, thanks,” she calls back. I’m almost at the front door when she shouts, “Oh wait!”
“I think Addie and Reese have Twizzlers in their room.”
I smirk. “Want me to steal a few, or the entire bag?”
She’s laughing. “Entire bag.”
After shutting the door behind me, I bank right. There’s a large bay window up the hallway with a cushioned bench. It’s the perfect spot for a private conversation.
“Hey you,” Adam answers on the first ring. It’s apparent he’s driving, the low rumble of his sports car in the background.
“Hey you back,” I reply with a smile. “Is something wrong or are you just missing me?”
“I’m always missing you.”
Pulling my knees to my chest, I curl into a ball, feeling the frigid December air seeping through the window. It’s not snowing tonight, but everything is iced over, the pine trees decorated with pretty white and silver crystals. Yeah, it’s settled. Snow-capped mountains over sandy beaches any day.
“It’s midnight your time. Are you headed somewhere?” I ask.
“Ooh,” he singsongs. “Is that a little jealousy I detect?”
“I was with Kayla all night.”
My jaw tenses and I try to breathe through the pounding in my chest. “Adam, I trust you. But elaborate.Quickly.”
He roars in laughter. “I tried to call you earlier to explain, but you didn’t answer. Chase asked us to help while he was away. It was my turn to stop by. I brought dinner and held the baby while Kayla showered, ate, and then took a nap.”
“You babysat all night?” My unnecessary jealousy quickly dissipates, replaced by adoration.
“I did. I held Presley for like four hours, I shit you not. Burped her, changed her diaper, and Kayla even showed me how to swaddle. I’m a quick study. I think I’m ready for all this.”