Page 40 of Sideline Play

Looking up at Remington as the sun begins to crest the mountains, I ask, “Now that you know everything, can you still see yourself with me? I promise, we’re not normally people who throw money at a problem or do anything of that sort, just… he’s my brother and I got scared. What happened to me wasn’t gonna change, but I had the power to protect him from having everything he worked for derailed. I didn’t even think twice about it.”

He’s quiet for so long, the only sign of his continued contemplation coming in the absent patterns he traces between my hip and waist. Though my anxiety is through the roof, my own fingers strumming a soundless tune along the veins of his hand, I appreciate it. He’s not giving me quick answers he may have to walk back later. He’s considering everything I told him, the possible ramifications of it all, and the true weight of what being with me would entail.

It’s scary though. I’ve not only shared what happened to me but my family’s darkest secret. What if now, knowing everything, he decides I’m not worth it?

Reaching over to rub at the space between my brow, Remington hushes, “Shh, you’re thinking too much, baby girl. This changes nothing between us.”

“Then what are you thinking about?”

“How best to navigate our work situation. Because even when you finish school, if HR says it’s a no-go, we’re gonna have a problem. You can’t leave The Nest, and I won’t want to leave you, so we’ll have to figure that out.”

“That’s it?” I say incredulously. “I bare my soul, lay out every ugly part of me, and that’s all you’ve got?”

“Scar, I didn’t think there was much else to say. No, this changes nothing. I still want you, want to be with you, and am going into this with my sights set on an infinite endgame. All this changes is that now I know what we’re working with and I can be prepared for any hiccups to come. And baby, nothing about you could ever be ugly. You’re far too pure of heart for that.”

Swatting his chest, I sit up and grumble, “I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”

“Yes I do! Because if I say you’re making me fall in love with you, you’ll think I’m racing far too fast. I was worried you were gonna say me and my family weren’t worth the drama!”

Crunching up, he smiles in such a way that I have to fight against immediately caving.

“You’re falling in love with me?”

“I didn’t say that!”

“Actually you did, Scar,” he playfully argues, rising to his knees to match me. Bracketing his arms on either side of me, he leans in and asks, “Is this okay?”

Quickly nodding my head as my teeth sink into my smile, I start to lean back, Remington slowly following until we’restretched back out, this time with him on top of me, his weight resting on his forearms as he sinks between my thighs.

“Still good?”

“Yes,” I whisper, licking my lips.

“Good.” Cupping my face, he whispers back, “I’m falling in love with you too, Scar,” stealing my words with a kiss that lasts well beyond the sunrise.



“I’ll get it!”I yell, trotting down the stairs and into the foyer. “You get started in the gym; we’re already behind schedule!”

“I don’t recall you complainin’ when your sweet ass was in my hands while I kissed you!” Remington shouts back from the kitchen just as I open the door, my cheeks going bright red as the FedEx man tries to keep a composed face. Opting for the time honored tradition of pretending something didn’t happen, I greet, “Good morning,” accepting the digital pad in the driver’s hand.

Scribbling my name several different times, I grouse, “Good grief, what did that man order?”

“Something extremely valuable and/or important is my guess.”

Exchanging the pad for a nondescript package that’s no bigger than my phone is long, I ask incredulously, "That's it?” not believing all the work one small box could be worth.

“All I got,” he shrugs. “Now you have yourself a nice day, Mrs. Tate.”

“You too,” I call as he gets back in his truck, a squeal rising up inside me as I wave and close the door without correcting him.

Taking Remington’s delivery to the kitchen, the urge to rattle it and Google the return address strong, I leave it on the island with yesterday’s mail and call for Winnie because we are in fact several hours behind schedule today. But he’s right, I wasn’t complaining one bit as the morning slipped away from us.

In the days since we first kissed and I laid my whole history out for him, I’ve been insatiable for him. Eagerly giving small pushes against each of my own boundaries, testing my waters to see how far I can take things with him. And with each bit of successful ground we gain, he in turn runs with it, his check-ins slowly evaporating though frustratingly still very much existent.