“That would save on our budget too.” Uther was vibrating with excitement. “Now, how are we getting there? Were you thinking plane, or should we rent a car? If we rent a car, we’ll have it for the rest of the trip, which could be good for going out and getting groceries, but flying will leave us more time at theactual destination. We could rent a car once we get there. Now, what were you thinking for meal plans? Should we plan a menu to eat at home, or were you picturing eating out? What is your imagined budget?”
He made to climb the rest of the way up the ladder when August grabbed his arm.
“Or we can discuss this later,” August said, “and you and I can go downstairs and…work on that project we were talking about earlier.” He lifted a brow.
Uther scrambled back down the ladder. “Right, the project. Talk soon, ladies. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
August slammed the door behind them.
“Now, where were we?” Ashley cupped the back of Esther’s head, drawing her closer.
Esther brushed her lips against Ashley’s. “I think we were watching the stars.”
They sank into the blankets. Ashley toyed nervously with the item in her pocket. She’d waited weeks for this day, but now she worried Esther would think it was too soon.
“Hmm?” Esther with stars in her eyes was heartbreaking.
“This is real, right? Us, I mean?”
“I sure hope so.”
Right. This felt right. “I got you something.”
Esther sat up. “What is it?”
Ashley paused, not knowing how to describe it. “It’s really weird now that I think about it.”
A curl worked its way free of Esther’s messy bun as she turned her full attention on Ashley. “Well, you have to tell me now. I like weird.”
“Yeah, but this is creepy weird.” In all the weeks she’d pictured giving Esther this gift, she hadn’t considered the optics. “There has to be a much cuter way to go about this.”
“Ashley.” Esther took Ashley’s free hand in her own. “I’m dating a vampire. In case you didn’t know this already, I like creepy.”
“And you’re okay with that? You know what I am and what that means. What a future with me would be like. Even a temporary one.”
“Ashley, you’re once in a lifetime. I’m not letting you go while I have the chance.” Esther kissed her, firm and deliberate—their lips speaking a silent promise as they moved together.
Bolstered by her words, Ashley broke the kiss and held up a silver necklace.
Esther took it and raised an eyebrow. “This is it? I thought you had a dead rat for me, based on the way you were acting. Jewelry is a pretty standard gift.”
Ashley scrunched her eyes shut so she didn’t have to see Esther’s reaction. “So, it’s kind of a vial—of my blood.”
Silence followed while Ashley waited for Esther’s reaction. Maybe she would scream or throw the necklace off the roof.
“Okay,” said Esther.
Ashley cracked open an eye to see Esther still sitting there, not panicking or running away screaming.
Esther nodded encouragingly. “I like where this is headed, but I’m going to need some more backstory.”
Ashley opened her second eye. Esther hadn’t left, and she didn’t look like she was tensing to run. Maybe this was okay? She breathed in through her nose and out slowly through her mouth, rotating her shoulders to loosen up again. She needed to get this story right. “So, I kind of got the idea from Claribel.”
“And Claribel is…an ex?”
“No!” exclaimed Ashley. “No, of course not. That’d be an inappropriate way to start this story where I’m trying and failing to be romantic.”