“You’re amazing.” Ashley’s hand slid between them and down Esther’s stomach, her other hand trailing behind Esther’s head. A finger tapped twice playfully at Esther’s clit, making her inhale sharply. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
Words? What were words? She still had the taste of Ashley on her lips, her body soft and snug against her. She wanted to be enveloped, devoured, which was a dangerous request to make to a vampire.
“Please,” said Esther, pushing her hips up to Ashley’s palm.
“You want me in you, love?” Esther’s nod was interrupted by a gasp as Ashley slid one finger and then a second inside her, slowly easing in and out. “You want to let me watch you come again?”
Esther couldn’t speak. The pressure built inside her as Ashley increased the speed, rubbing herself on Esther’s leg as she curled her fingers, hitting that soft spot with each thrust.
“Ashley,” she ground out as her body convulsed, flexing around Ashley’s fingers.
Ashley’s lips met hers, swallowing Esther’s outcry. Devouring her like she wanted. She felt wholly herself and seen and no longer scared or embarrassed. She felt like a puzzle piece sliding into place.
Ashley collapsed on the bed beside her, smiling and laughing again. Esther reached for her, not sure what she intended but needing to touch her. To feel Ashley and know that she was real. She brushed Ashley’s hair from her face and ran her fingers along her cheek.
God, she loved this woman so much. If she were a cat, she’d be purring.
Wait. Love? It was much too fast for that. They’d only just decided they were dating for real. She couldn’t possibly be in love.
But Ashley was stroking Esther’s back, and the look in her eyes was earth-shattering.
Esther felt too good now to worry if her feelings were too big or too fast. A small part of her worried about loving a vampire, but with Ashley’s arms wrapped tight around her, she felt so safe and comfortable just living in the present. They fell into sleep the way she knew they could.
Like two perfect halves.
Moments after closing her eyes, Ashley woke to a buzzing on her nightstand. She hugged Esther closer to her chest, willing the buzzing to go away and leave her in this peaceful moment with Esther in her arms. Miracle of all miracles, it stopped. She gave a quick word of thanks before closing her eyes again.
The buzzing started back up, and Ashley’s eyes shot open with a growl. Esther made a small sound in her sleep, so Ashley grabbed the phone before it woke her fully.
She hit answer without bothering checking the ID. “We’re fine, Mom.”
“So many questions,” returned a male voice. “But first, I prefer Mommy.”
“Who’s calling you Mommy?” a gruffer voice asked in the background.
Ashley pulled the phone away from her face. Why was Uther calling her? Oh. Because this wasn’t her phone.
“Let me talk to her. That’s my girl, not yours,” the second voice demanded.
There was some scuffling, then August was on the line. “Well, well, Ashley. Look who’s on the wrong phone now.”
“Shut up, witch.” Ashley suppressed a laugh. Not even August’s teasing could dull the high of waking up to Esther in her arms.
Esther stretched her legs, rolled over, and flopped an arm over Ashley’s waist.
“Is that August and Uther?” Her voice was groggy with sleep. She cracked a single eye open. “And is that my phone?”
“Esther says hi,” Ashley said into the phone.
“I didn’t hear her.” Uther’s voice was small in the background.
Ashley rolled her eyes but switched the phone to speakerphone. “I thought you lot were Gen Z. What are you doing calling people on the phone anyway?”
“I can use a phone.” Uther declared matter-of-factly. “I was trying to do video call with the camera off since no one can see my face this early in the day.”