Ashley stared back at her, eyes wide and lashes batting. “Are you still all right?”
She had wrecked Esther’s tights. The ugly tights that were blocking Ashley from getting in there and doing whatever she had planned.
“Very much so,” Esther said.
Ashley smiled, and it was the bright and beautiful smile she always had for Esther in class. The one that gave her warm, fuzzy feelings before she even knew what those feelings were and lit up the entire room. And then Ashley licked Esther’s exposed thigh, long and slow, still matching Esther’s gaze.
Esther would never see that smile the same way again. Ashley was the real contradiction. Her tongue went up, higher and higher until it reached Esther’s panty line then stopped and moved to the other leg. There was a sound like a whimpering puppy, and Esther was shocked to realize the sound had come from her.
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” Ashley teased, fully aware of what she was doing. “Did you want to show me your pretty pussy?”
Esther nodded, mesmerized by what was happening between her legs. Ashley pulled down the silky, black fabric and let Esther step out of them. Then, in one quick movement, she grabbed Esther’s ankles, pulling them wider than shoulder-width.
“God, your ass looks so good in this dress.” Ashley gave said ass a smack.
Esther gasped and grabbed the sheets more from shock than the sting.
Ashley grabbed her cheeks, holding her firmly in place. She licked her from clit, through her folds, and all the way back to the pucker of her ass. Esther clung to the bed sheets for dear life.
“That’s right, sweetheart.” Her thumb slid through Esther’s folds, picking up moisture before moving slow circles around her clit. “Let me take care of you.”
Syrupy goodness coated Esther’s inside, and she gave in, letting her body relax and allowing Ashley to take control. Ashley knew what she was doing. Her tongue set to work again, ministering long, luxurious glides across her seam, interspersed with feather-light flicks until Esther was writhing, grasping the blankets in her fists. She didn’t recognize the sounds coming from her. Anytime she made an especially loud cry, Ashley went back and did it again, her cold fingers trailing fire and building a tightness in Esther’s core that had her curling her toes until one heel and then the second lifted off the ground, her body begging for more. When she thought the pressure was too much, Ashley put her lips to Esther’s clit and sucked.
Fireworks, crystal-sharp snowflakes, a scream as long as time.
Esther’s body melted into a puddle, draped over the foot of the bed like a Salvador Dalí painting.
“That was beautiful.” Ashley was up again, kissing Esther’s neck, her back, her arms. “Do you have another in you? I got ahead of myself.”
Esther mumbled into the covers, not sure what she was saying. Ashley had wrecked her, and she was still fully dressed.
“You want me to help you undress?” Ashley asked.
Was that what she’d said? Esther nodded, her face still half-buried in the comforter. It didn’t matter what she’d said. She just wanted this dress off. She wanted to be free of clothes and melt like the proper puddle that she was.
Ashley’s cool fingers grazed her neck, searching for her zipper. It made a soft purr as the clasp trailed down her spine, then Ashley was helping Esther to her feet. Standing upright, Esther regained some of her senses. She couldn’t take this dress off yet. Ashley was still fully clothed.
“Wait, you first,” Esther said.
Ashley did that thing that was half laugh, half smile, and Esther’s heart did a little swoop.
“Same time?” Ashley was pulling up the hem of her dress to get to her pleather leggings.
Esther shrugged off her dress one shoulder at a time, trying to tease the moment, but her hands caught in the long sleeves. And of course, Ashley made removing leggings look like the easiest thing. Esther finally wriggled her hands free as Ashley pulled the sequin dress over her head, her gold hair cascading back in place around her shoulders.
“Jesus, are you kidding?” Esther said.
Ashley had the body of a Marvel superhero. The abs, the arms, wide hips leading to thick thighs, and a rack pointed straight at Esther. She knew Ashley had an impressive body, but she had no idea it was this impressive.
Ashley shrugged. “Did I mention I used to throw women around in my free time? The efforts start to show after a while.”
“Wait.” Esther shoved her own dress the rest of the way over her hips and down to the floor. “Do you still have moves? Could you throw me?”
She kicked her dress to the side and braced herself like she’d run and jump at Ashley. Funny that they were both naked together for the first time and Esther felt zero awkwardness. Ashley must have licked that out of her.
Ashley eyed her up and down. “Please. I could lift you before I even had vampire strength.”
She motioned for Esther to run at her, and that was when Esther realized how ridiculous they were being. She’d never cheered a day in her life, and Ashley was standing there in all her naked glory, making it look like running and jumping was the simplest thing in the world.