Page 31 of More than Need

Riley knew what that lip tasted like. Knowledge he’d never wanted.Can’t put it back once you open Pandora’s box.

Gideon tightened the triangle, stepping closer. “We’ve established that you’re not opposed to getting down and dirty with Riley. What about me? If you’re only interested in Riley, we can end it here.”

From the way he’d been eye fucking Gideon in Riley’s office, Riley doubted they had a problem in that area. Who could look at Gideon andnotwant that? Riley had wanted it for eight years, ever since he’d met the man at twenty-two.

“Are you serious?” Dawson’s brown gaze flitted between them. “You brought me here to…” He licked his lips. “If you’re fucking with me, I swear to God, I will punch you in the mouth.”

Riley raised an eyebrow. “Making threats to a police officer with a witness in the room—another police officer, I might add—is a bad idea.”

“I’m made of bad ideas.”

Riley had known that from the moment he’d laid eyes on him, drunk on the front steps of the Chatswood Police Station.

“You’re actually serious? You’re asking me if I want to have sex with you? Withbothof you?”

“Feel free to say no,” Gideon said. “We won’t for—” Dawson fisted his jumper and tugged him close, their mouths meeting in the middle.

Gideon’s hands settled on Dawson’s upper arms. Dawson tilted his head, deepening the kiss, and Gideon moaned, relaxing fully against him. The alluring contrast between them had Riley adjusting himself in his pants.

Dawson had heightandbulk on Gideon, not only forcing Gideon to lift his head to catch his lips, but enough that he’d be able to hold the detective down and give him exactly what his body begged for with every noise he made.

Riley didn’t know what he expected to feel, watching them.He’dkissed them both in the last two days. Now they were here, together. How had they gotten tangled in this so quickly?

Better yet, why didn’t he put a stop to it?

Riley palmed his hardening cock. As if he didn’t already know.

He rose from his seat and shrugged off his jacket, draping it over the back of the couch as he approached the two men. Hecircled around to Gideon’s back, sliding his hands up under his jumper and over the warm skin of his back. Gideon tipped his head back with a breathless gasp.

“Is this what you want, Gideon?” Riley whispered in his ear, dragging his lips around the edge of it. His eyes met Dawson’s over Gideon’s shoulder. “Why you wanted him here?”


“Monosyllabic answers aren’t enough. You and I are taking a risk by allowing this to get as far as it has. If you really want this, I need you to tell me what you want, with words, clear and concise, or this goes no further.”

“I want this.Please.” Gideon’s plea came out needy and soft, feeding the hunger inside Riley. Riley tensed when Gideon froze. Changing his mind so quickly? “I don’t—fuck, I don’t have any condoms.”

An unexpected cog in his plans he hadn’t accounted for. Especially since this hadn’t been his intention when he’d come here. “I don’t carry them on me.” Random sexual encounters weren’t appealing to him. He didn’t date, but any hookups he had were planned to the letter, with strict rules and a desire to remove himself from their space as quickly as humanly possible.

Riley looked to Dawson in question.

“What are you looking at me for?” Dawson asked. “I’m not the one that called me here for a quick fuck. Isn’t the onus onyouto be prepared?”

“There isn’t going to be anything quick about it.”

“You’re completely missing the point. I already used the one I carry in my wallet on you today, and restocking it wasn’t an immediate concern. Besides, one wouldn’t be enough, would it? If you haven’t noticed, there are three of us here.”

Did he think Riley hadn’t noticed that?

He drew Dawson closer, holding his hip firmly. It effectively sandwiched Gideon between them. “You’re here because I’veallowed it.” Riley teased Dawson’s lips with his own, breath mingling. “Because my attraction to your good looks—which you can hardly be praised for—overrides my common sense, and Gideon never had any to begin with.”

Gideon leaned back, hands reaching for Riley’s hips and resting his head back on Riley’s shoulder. “You say the sweetest things.”

“You’re so much more attractive when you don’t talk,” Dawson whispered.

“So are you.” Riley closed the distance between them, taking his lips in a deep kiss.

Dawson met him stroke for stroke, just like he had in Riley’s car, not giving an inch. Pushing at Riley the same way he’d been doing from the moment they’d met. Infuriating. Too sexy for his own good.