Page 36 of More than Need

“What makes you think that’s gonna help stop me from coming?” Dawson asked. He slid to his knees anyway, far more gracefully than someone his size in a showerthissize should have been able to.

Riley opened his mouth to ask if Dawson wanted him to get a condom. He didn’t have a chance to get the words out before Dawson had Gideon’s cock in his mouth. Gideon cried out, hands spreading out on the tiles.

“That feel good?” Riley asked. He threaded his fingers in Gideon’s hair and tilted his head. “Watch him. Look at him swallowing you down like you’re his last meal.”

Dawson’s eyes flicked up, and the two men stared at each other, the heat between them scalding. His large hand skimmed up Gideon’s thigh and then around to squeeze his ass.

Riley caressed the soft skin of Gideon’s hip. He spread Gideon’s cheeks, watching as his cock moved in and out, Gideon’s muscles stretching to accommodate him. He poured out more lube, spreading it over his cock and dripping it generously over Gideon’s quivering hole.

He added the tip of his thumb in beside his dick, stretching the muscles even further.

Gideon’s strangled, keening cry went straight to Riley’s cock. He worked more of Riley into him and settled a hand on top of Dawson’s head, urging him on. His litany ofpleasewas barely audible over the stream of the water and Dawson’s moans around his cock.

“Do you need a thicker cock in you, Gideon?” Riley asked, grazing his mouth over Gideon’s nape, his skin warm and wet. “Want Dawson in there as well?”

Gideon’s ass spasmed around his dick in response. Of course, Riley wouldn’t do something like that in here, not without a lot more prep and Gideon in a far more comfortable position—at least the first time.

“You do, don’t you?” Riley grasped Gideon’s shoulder and drove deep. “Your greedy hole wants it all.”

“Nngh.” Gideon reached up, curling his arm around Riley’s neck, and then they were kissing, a messy, desperate slide of tongues and teeth.

Riley fucked harder, with an easier slide, courtesy of the extra lube, letting him get nice and deep without the friction. Dawson choked on every thrust. The slurping sounds dragged Riley closer to orgasm, pressure building inside him.

Riley turned Gideon’s head so that he could taste him again, swallowing all of the beautiful, drawn-out moans.

“Come down his throat for me, like the good boy you are,” Riley whispered in Gideon’s ear, tugging on his lobe. He reached around and cupped the side of Dawson’s head. “You? You don’t get to come.”

Dawson glared, managing to convey his annoyance even with a cock in his mouth. Riley thrust hard, making Dawson choke on it again. He didn’t let up, fucking Gideon and using it to fuck Dawson’s throat at the same time. Their pleasure washisto control.

“Now, Gideon,” Riley said before biting down on the curve of his neck.

Gideon groaned, a guttural noise tearing from his throat. He tensed, and Dawson mimicked the sound as Gideon flooded his mouth.

Riley slammed his hands on the tiles as his own orgasm overtook him, knees quaking with tremors.Fuck. He’d never had sex without a condom. Never filled someone’s ass with his cum. He wanted to do it again inside Gideon and then Dawson, leave them smelling of him,drippingwith him.

Only madness lay down that road. He had no real claim on either of them. Worse than that, he should never have touched them in the first place. Gideon was under his command, for fuck’s sake. And Dawson… his connection to a person that Riley wanted out of his life meant he had no place here.

He eyed Dawson as the man stood, kissing his way up Gideon’s stomach and then his chest. Gideon snuggled against him, sandwiched between the two men, with a contented sigh.

He fit perfectly between them, softness against their hardness. Riley wanted to pepper kisses across his shoulder, up his throat. Savour that sweetness and then turn his lips to Dawson. Taste them both, make them taste each other. Once he’d had his fill, he wanted to dry them with a towel, take them to bed, and pull more sounds from them. Let Dawson come finally and make them sweaty enough they needed another shower.

“I should go,” he said, abruptly pulling away and stepping out of the shower. He grabbed the single towel from the rack, uncaring that Gideon had likely used it a time or two himself, and quickly dried himself off. His first mistake had been coming here. His second mistake had been letting this get as far as it had. He had no intention of making a third one by indulging himself even further.

Gideon turned around, shocked. “What? Why?” The spray of water hit directly atop his head, and he brushed it out of his eyes, stepping forward. He looked like a drowned rat. An unbelievably sexy one. One that almost had Riley getting back into the shower for more. Bad enough that he now had real memories to haunt him along with his fantasies.

“Aren’t you staying the night?” Gideon asked. The tremor in his voice, the hint of uncertainty, tugged at Riley’s insides. He couldn’t let that sway him. He’d let a past infatuation jeopardise both their careers.

Riley gathered his clothes and tugged his black pants on before slipping his shirt over his shoulders, leaving it hanging open. “This was a mistake.”

“Probably something you should have thought aboutbeforeyou kissed me,” Gideon said mildly.

Riley almost asked, “Which time?”—but that wouldn’t help his argument any.

“Or invited me here for sex?” Dawson said, scowling. “If you’re trying to act like you didn’t want this—”

“When did I say that?” Riley asked. “I simply said it was a mistake. I wanted it. That doesn’t change the fact that it shouldn’t have happened.”

He didn’t need a crystal ball to tell him these two men were dangerous. The level of need he’d felt for both of them—enough to make him dismiss all his common sense—should have been enough to make him cut this off at the knees. He hadn’t heeded any of his own warnings.