Page 6 of Cohesion

Peyton leered. “I think you’re feeling something.”

Sebastian was the king of deflection, both from using it himself and seeing others attempt to use it on him. Quinn was familiar with it as well. It came with their line of work: lies and bullshit were cornerstones of law enforcement and the legal system, both internally and externally.

Regardless of their experience with it, and being able to see the clear signs, they both let Peyton get away with it.

Sebastian didn’t know why Quinn allowed it, but he was acutely aware of his own reasons. What if the four of them weren’t enough for the demons that rode their ex-soldier? Will had been Peyton’s guide for so long, but Will was so much more than all of them, could carry burdens without taking them into himself. Sebastian had never learned to master that skill. After Peyton’s nightmare, in the shower together… He’d tried his best, but he had no idea whether it had helped in any way. He didn’t know how to give the kind of comfort Peyton needed. What if all he did was make the situation worse?

What did he know of the memories that haunted Peyton? How much did Will even know?

The back door slid open, Persephone bursting into the room, wet and leaving muddy footprints in her wake. Will and Jericho, both of whom were only wearing shorts, came in after her, shoulders brushing.

Sebastian’s brain short-circuited from the sheer expanse of skin on display. Flecks of sea water glistened on their chests. Will’s hair dripped on the floor and stuck to his forehead. Jericho had a sandy spot on his chest that looked distinctly like a handprint. And one on his abdomen that more resembled a pawprint.

Those shorts, though… Sebastian might have reconsidered if they had asked him if he wanted to jog while they were only wearing that. Being slower than them wasn’t a negative in this situation. Far from it.

“Is there any food left?” Will asked. He took the bottle of water Peyton handed him with a thanks and a slow kiss.

“Here,” Quinn said, handing him a plate and extracting his own kiss. Sebastian could get on board with this kind of payment/bartering system. He didn’t have anything on him to trade, but he could find something. There were bags of chips in the pantry. Probably some chocolate in there. He made a mental note to stock up on Smarties. Will seemed to favour them. He’d make sure he never ran out. Sebastian didn’t mind them. He liked the way the chocolate insides melted in his mouth.

Will sat on the edge of the dining table, his feet still touching the floor. Sebastian took the opportunity to check out his long legs. How could he not look when they were stretched out so enticingly for him? It would be a tragic waste not to appreciate it.

Will caught him looking and beamed. He slid across so his hip rested against Sebastian’s arm. “What’s everyone doing today?” he asked through his mouthful of toast. “Unless we get called out, I’m going to be knee-deep in finances. I know, I know, don’t be jealous.”

“Finances?” Sebastian asked, brows creasing, his piercing pulling at the movement. Will looked way too happy if that was really his agenda for the day. Sebastian had spent more than a few days going over someone’s books while gathering information for a case; it wasn’t the way he’dchooseto spend his day.

“We’re investigating this couple down in Kensington. They own a florist but pretty sure it’s a front for something else. Paper trails are our ticket to getting what we need before we move in on them. There are just… a lot of them.” Will ate the last of his toast and stared down at the plate, bereft.

Sebastian still had three-quarters of his own—he’d only taken two bites—so he put it on the plate.

“For me?” Will asked hopefully.

“Of course.”

Will leaned forward and kissed Sebastian enthusiastically. Guess he did have something to barter with, after all. He lingered, wanting more of the happiness that was infused in every kiss that Will gave. Bright, laughing happiness, full of fun and joy.

Sebastian squeezed Will’s knee and then kept it there when he pulled back. He stroked over the bony bump with his thumb while he drank more of his coffee. What would he have to trade to get Quinn to fill it up for him again before they all left? For these men, he’d get on his knees for coffee. He’d get on his knees even if they had nothing to trade.

“I still have too many days before I’m ‘allowed’ to go back to work, despite feeling absolutely fine,” Quinn said ruefully. “I refuse to stay here all day and do nothing again, so I’m going to go have brunch with my mum and grandma. Then I have some errands to run. I can pick up something to make for dinner while I’m out.”

Grace and Ethel. Sebastian suddenly didn’t feel hungry. It had been so long since he’d seen any of the women in Quinn’s family—with his dad gone, Quinn was the single male left in that family of six—and Sebastian missed Ethel most of all. Quinn’s grandmother was one of a kind, an absolute firecracker, with literally no brain-to-mouth filter. She’d been a breath of fresh air. When Quinn had confirmed she was still around… the relief had been overwhelming. The world would lose a shining star the day she left it.

“Ooh, brunch,” Will said, eyes lighting up.

“If you aren’t busy, you’re welcome to join me,” Quinn offered.

“I bet if I snuck out real quiet, no one would even notice I’d gone.”

“Right,” Peyton said sarcastically. “Super easy to miss you in a crowd.”

“I’ll send everyone the address,” Quinn said diplomatically. “If you want to stop by, feel free.”

Sebastian was tempted, but he knew he wouldn’t. For a myriad of reasons, all of which involved the guilt he felt at how abruptly he’d pulled away from the entire family, and what they must think of him.

Quinn’s eyes met his as if he knew what he was thinking. He probably did. Quinn had superpowers like that. Intuition. Empathy. All things that made him a better detective and both a greatandterriblepartner.

“What about you?” Will asked, unknowingly interrupting. He swayed into Sebastian as he munched happily.

Peyton delivered another two pieces of toast to Will’s plate, keeping the third piece for himself. That had to be more than one loaf. Seriously, where was it coming from?