“Seriously though, when can I get out of here?” I ask again, glancing up at River.
“As soon as the doctor examines you and gives the okay. But you need to rest for a few weeks. I mean it, Elliot, rest. No thinking you can grab your tablet or your laptop and work remotely.”
I’d take not being plugged in for a few days over having to stay here longer than necessary any day.
“Good, the sooner, the better,” I reply through gritted teeth as I try to sit up.
Lily begins fussing over me and adjusting my pillow as River uses the remote to adjust my bed slightly.
“If this is the kind of aftercare I can expect, maybe I’ll get shot more often.” Lily gasps at my words, her mouth parting. “Something tells me our girl would look very sexy in a nurse’s outfit.”
Lily pops her hand on her hip and raises her brows. “Firstly, don’t say things like that. There will be no more getting shot. And secondly, sexist much, why am I the one dressing up and not River?”
I can’t help but chuckle. “Listen, I’m not picky,” I reply.
“Notice how she didn’t refuse to dress up, though,” River says as I glance at him, his hazel eyes sparkling with humour before returning to Lily as she becomes increasingly flustered under our perusal.
Chapter Forty-Five
“They found a body.” These are not words you expect to hear upon waking up.
We returned to the house in Nice a few days ago, as soon as Elliot was given the all-clear. Lily hasn’t stopped fussing over him or Mia, and honestly, who can blame her? It’s been hell these past few weeks.
“What?” I ask, blinking up at River’s face, which is too close for comfort.
“Sorry,” he says, moving back as I sit up and glance at my watch. It’s barely after Six.
“Jax just got a call from Mason. Richard’s body was found face down, floating in the French Rivera.”
I can’t help it, my lips form a smile, and it takes conscious effort not to laugh. Karma really did pull out all the stops on this one. “You’re shitting me?”
River’s slowly been coming back to himself, so I honestly wouldn’t put some dark humour past him at this point. He shakes his head. “I shit you not.”
It’s been five days since the Yacht situation, so I can only imagine what happened betweenthen and now.
Fuck, I rub my eyes and throw back my duvet. “Does Lily know?”
River shakes his head. “No, not yet… but she’s going to have to go and identify the body.”
“Oh fuck.”
“You can say that again,”he calls over his shoulder. “Jax wants us all there when he tells Lily.”He leaves as quickly as he arrived.
I’m showered and dressed within ten minutes, not surprised to find the guys already in the living room when I enter.
Elliot is propped up on the sofa, his legs in River’s lap.
Jax is sitting in one of the armchairs, and he tilts his chin towards the table, a mug of coffee waiting for me and an Earl Grey for Lily.
She closes the door softly behind her and joins us, glancing around warily.
“What? What’s going on?”she asks.
Jax stands and holds out his hand, and she walks towards him like a moth to a flame. He pulls her in for a quick kiss and then ushers her into the chair he’d just vacated. He gets down on his haunches and pulls her hands into his.
“I got a call from Mason this morning. Richard’s body has been found,”he says.