“Is she okay?”
I let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t think we’ll know until she wakes up. She has some visible bruising, and that arsehole drugged her, so I guess it all depends on your definition of okay.”
Mason grinds his jaw. “I’m sorry, man. If I’d realised she was down there, I would have done everything to get her out.”
I know he would have.
River comes out of the bathroom, almost breathless, his hair slicked back. “Any news?” he asks, eyeing me and Mason.
“No, not yet. Let me go find Gabe,” Mason replies, pushing to his feet and leaving us alone.
He sinks into the seat beside me and drops his head.
“Elliot’s going to be fine, Riv. He’s been through so much worse.” I cringe internally. Could my words sound any more cliche or insensitive? “Shit, I mean?—”
“No, I know what you mean, and you’re right. He’s one of the strongest people I know. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I thought the worst?”
I reach out and squeeze his shoulder.
“So, what’s the deal with Gabriel and Louis?” River asks.
While we wait for Mason to return, I tell him everything I know, and he lets out a low whistle. “Well, damn.”
“You can say that again.”
The door opens, and Mason returns with a tray of coffee to-go cups and a takeaway bag.
“Elliot is one lucky fucker. Missed his clavicle and subclavian artery. He’s stable. They’re giving him a transfusion for the blood loss and have him on an IV for fluids and antibiotics. But he’s going to be okay. Likely needs some PT.”
River lets out a gush of air.
“Thank fuck.”
“Here,” he says, passing the tray over. “Thought you might need these. There’s milk and sugar in the bag. All they had at this hour was muffins and some fruit, but it should tide you over for a bit.”
“Thanks, man.”
He nods, grabbing one of the cups for himself.
“When can I see him?” River asks, already on his feet again.
Mason holds up his hand. “Easy, tiger, just as soon as they move him to the room next door.”
“Eat,” I tell River. I reach into the bag for one of the muffins and pass a coffee over to him. “You could do with the sugar.”
“Oh, and I spoke to Caleb,” Mason says, glancing over to Mia, who hasn’t stirred. “He already has his plane on standby.”
“Yeah, I thought you’d want to get your girl here for her sister.”
River speaks around a mouthful of muffin. “Mase, are you growing soft in your old age?”
He flips him the bird. “Ha, fucking, ha. I’m barely thirty. I know what it’s like to find out your sister needed you and not be there. I’d never want someone else to go through that,” he replies honestly, reminding us of everything his sister went through not so long ago. If anyone isn’t about to judge our relationship with Lily, it’s Mason.
“Thanks, man, we appreciate it.”
He nods. “Of course. I’m going to leave you with the keys for the SUV, but something tells me you won’t be going anywhere unless it’s to the airport to get your girl. The house is yours for as long as you need it. I have to go and speak to Louis to ensure everything is okay and that we’ve covered all our tracks. But I’ll be back to check in.”