It’s something I’d very much like to explore in more depth, providing she’s willing.
Chapter Sixteen
As soon as we arrive back at our building, we head straight for Jax’s flat without even consciously deciding to. The familiar scent of spice and soft music greet us as soon as we enter.
“Everything okay?” Elliot asks as soon as we’re through the threshold, his voice low but filled with concern.
Jax looks up from the stove, his brow furrowing slightly. “Would you keep your voice down? She’s sleeping,” he replies, his tone a mix of annoyance and protectiveness.
“Pretty sure Elliot’s volume level just matched yours,” I toss back.
Jax flips me the bird and goes back to stirring whatever’s in the saucepan, the rich aroma filling the room.
“What you got cooking?—”
“I swear to God, if you start singing, I’ll pay you back for that hit to my jaw the other day,”Jax warns, pointing a wooden spoon at me.
Rolling my eyes, I can’t resist the temptation. I break out into song, my voice echoing off the walls.
Jax just shakes his head, a small smile curving hislips.“Hank Williams, you are not. Don’t give up the day job, mate,” he says, amusement in his eyes.
“Hank, who?”Tommy asks from the sofa, his head in a book.
I sigh and throw myself down beside him. “An American songwriter,”I reply, my arm going over the back of the sofa. Tommy tenses before he relaxes again, the subtle shift not lost on me.
It’s why seeing him with Lily is such an oxymoron. The way she seems to be able to get close to him, he still clams up, but he’s different with her—better. She’s good for him, for us. The thought brings a weird mixture of relief and maybe a little envy, stirring some of the darker emotions I’m struggling to keep at bay. I want to riot so bad, find Richard and pull out his teeth one by fucking one.
“What are you reading?”I ask instead, snatching the book from Tommy and looking at the cover.
“Iwasreading Dracula.”He snatches the book back, a flicker of irritation crossing his face.
I stand, feeling the restless energy building. “I’m going to check on Lily.”
“Don’t wake her if she’s still sleeping,”Jax says, his voice softening slightly.
I salute him, refraining from rolling my eyes. “Yes, boss.”
Outside the door, I slip off my boots and quietly enter the room, the small bedside light casting a warm glow in the corner. The air in here is calmer somehow. I sigh, glad she’s out of the hospital,
“Hi,”Lily whispers, her voice barely audible.
“Hey, yourself. How are you feeling?”I ask, immediately regretting the repetitive question.
I hold up my palm. “Don’t answer that.”Moving to the edge of the bed, I sit and reach out, bringing my fingertips to her cheek. Her eyes squeeze closed, followed by an audible hitch in her breathing.
“Shit, sorry, “I pull my hand back, but she reaches out and takes it in hers.
“No, it’s not you, it’s me. I just feel jumpy... I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve been through a lot. It’s hardly surprising you’re cautious of physical contact,”I say softly, my thumb brushing over her satin-soft knuckles.
She falls silent as I sit, holding her hand until she finally speaks.
“What’s that smell?”she asks, her nose scrunching in an adorable way as she sniffs the air.
I smile. “That back there is Jax in his natural habitat. He’s cooking.”