Page 93 of Ours to Keep

“Lily,”she squeals, looking over Jackson’s shoulder. Her voice has me rushing forward and pulling her into my arms.

Eventually, I reluctantly pull away and scan her face before searching her arms for the bruises I know are there.

“Here, sit down, Duchess.”

I smile at Jackson. “Thank you.”He leans down and surprises the hell out of me when he kisses the top of my head. “You’re welcome. I’m going to leave you to talk, okay? But I’ll just be next door or outside.”

I nod and look over my shoulder as he closes the door.

As soon as we’re alone, I turn back to Mia. “I’m so sorry this happened to you, Mia. This is all my fault,”I say in a rush of emotion.

She shakes her head, her lower lip trembling. “No, it’s not,”she replies. “Daddy was horrible to me, Lils. He wouldn’t let me call you, and the more I asked, the angrier he became. Jackson told me that Daddy isn’t well and that sometimes drugs can make people do things they wouldn’t normally do. But if that’s true, then why did he hurt you and talk to you the way he did when he thought I wasn’t listening?”

I blink at her. “What?”

Her eyes move to the cards on the small tray table over her bed. “I know Daddy used to say awful things to you, that he got angry with you,”she says, twisting her hands in her lap. “I should have tried to help. I should have stuck up for you. I’m the one who’s sorry,”she whispers.

I pull the tray out of the way and slip off my trainers.

“Budge over,”I say, climbing beside her and putting my arm across her shoulders. “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. If anything, I’m sorry for not talking to you about what was going on. I thought I was protecting you, Mia. I realise now that I was wrong. I promise not to keep the truth from you ever again.”

She sniffs back tears and nods. “I love you, Lils.”

“I love you too.”

Chapter Forty-Four


I almost think she’s an apparition when I open my eyes to see Lily curled up in a chair beside my bed, her head resting on a pillow, her body covered in a blanket.

Looking to my left, I find River on the other side, his eyes bloodshot.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” he whispers, leaning forward in his chair.

“Like I’ve been shot.”

His face pales, and I immediately feel guilty.

“Fuck, too soon.” I raise my hand towards his, the IV pinching my skin, and I immediately want to rip it out. No matter how much time I’ve spent in the hospital in the past, it’s still as annoying as hell.

“You scared the shit out of me, El,” his voice cracks as he takes my hand in his.

I lick my dry lips and clear my throat. “Shit, I’m sorry,” I croak.

His face softens as he reaches for the jug and pours me some water. His callused palm cups the back of my neck as I lift my head and takea few sips.

I flinch at the ache in my shoulder. It’s heavy and uncomfortable, but I’ve had worse.

“You were really fucking lucky, El. It was a through and through. You’re lucky it didn’t hit your artery or clavicle.”

I cringe when he says it like that, but he’s right. It could have been so much worse.

“Is everyone else okay? Is Mia safe?”

A small smile lifts his lips. “Yes, and yes. She’s in the room next to yours. Lily spent the day cuddling her, but I don’t think she slept.”

His eyes drift to Lily beside me.