Page 59 of Ours to Keep

I stare at the orange flames as they dance and pop, the glow providing a serene hue over the room, but something tells me it’s all about to change. I listen while Jackson updates me on everything they’ve uncovered and then sit silently as I try to digest everything Jackson has told me, the entire thing making my stomach roll with unease and pent-up anxiety.

“I need a minute,” I say, carefully extracting myself from Jackson’s lap. Moving to my feet, I sway slightly, his hand gripping my hip to steady me. The second glass of wine might have been a little ambitious in hindsight, as it seems to be doing nothing for my equilibrium.

“I’m okay,” I mutter as I go upstairs to my room and straight into my ensuite.

I grip the sink and lower my head, trying to breathe through the onslaught of information.

“Sunshine?” Tommy says, stepping up behind me, a solid presence as always.

I swallow hard, raising my eyes to meet his in the mirror. “I always knew he was capable of some inexplicable things. But to sell images and videos of me. Knowing that men paid to... it’s just, it’s disgusting. I feel violated.”

His emerald eyes hold mine with so much understanding. “I’m so fucking angry,” I grit out. “I’ve never hated anyone more than I hate him. Yet because of him, I have Mia.”

Tommy’s hands gently press on my shoulders and guide me to turn around to face him.

“Yes, he helped create her, but from where I’ve been standing, that’s all he did. I’d hardly say he was present. All the best parts of Mia are from your influence, Lily, she’s lucky to have you. As for Richard, he will pay, but there’s no other outcome where he’s concerned.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Fingertips ghost my cheek and cause me to gasp in surprise, my eyelids lift and I find Tommy’s face so close to mine.

He continues to lean closer until his lips are pressed against mine, and then he’s kissing me. My hands move to his hips, his body tensing, but he recovers quickly.

I relax into his embrace and having him kiss me tonight feels like everything has finally clicked into place. I feel whole. These men each own a piece of me, and it’s time I embrace every precious moment. I feel like the guys coming here today were probably a risk, but one they were willing to take to see me. They could have easily bypassed me and not informed me of everything, but the fact they did makes me feel like I am, in fact, part of their team—their family. Other than Mia and Avery, a family is something I’ve been sorely missing.

“Come on, let’s go back downstairs; they need to see you’re okay now more than ever.”

I nod in agreement, knowing he’s right. Each of them gives me the strength and determination to be what they need, and that isn’t a weak, pathetic excuse for a woman. Richard has already taken so much from me, and tonight I refuse to allow him to infiltrate more of my thoughts than he already does.

“We made dessert,” River says as soon as we return.

Elliot makes a sound at the back of his throat.

“Okay, fine, Elliot made it, but I supervised.” And just like that, the tension is broken.

“Of course you did,” Tommy says with an overdramatic roll of his eyes.

I’m not naive in pretending everything is suddenly right with the world; knowing the lengths these men are going to go to get Mia back to me is a testament. But it’s also hard not to ignore what they’ve told me. As much as I’m sure they wanted to protect me. I couldn’t respect them more for being honest and transparent, even if I wished it wasn’t true, but that’s life in all its beautiful and tragic glory. It’s real and unyielding. I know I’ve been sheltered to an extent. I know how privileged I am. I can barely imagine what these guys have been through, even with thesnippets they’ve shared. I glance at River as he jokes with Elliot, dishing out dessert. Eton Mess is what they made me, I realise with a small smile, which explains why Tommy took out the fresh strawberries from the fridge earlier. I know it’s predominantly a summer dessert, but it’s one of my favourites no matter what time of the year. It blows my mind the things they know about me in such a short space of time, and yet I also feel like I’ve known these men forever. I was always meant to meet them. It was inevitable—kismet.

“Are you okay, Duchess?” Jackson asks, coming up behind me and pulling me into his chest. A shiver rolls over me as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his lips a breath away from my ear. “I know it wasn’t easy listening to all that, but I don’t want to lie to you, even if it goes against my protective instincts. You’ve already had too many choices taken away from you. I won’t add to them.”

His words shock me; this man has so many layers, and I feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface.

I turn in his arms and wrap them around his waist as I stare up into his piercing blue eyes. “Thank you. It means a lot that you told me.”

He studies my face and reaches to tuck my hair behind my ear. “You deserve so much more. Once we’re back, I’ll show you how you should be treated every day. I’ll get down on my knees and worship you at your altar if you’ll let me.”

Oh my god.

My skin pebbles with awareness, my nipples hardening beneath his intense gaze and his admission as his hands move to cup my arse cheeks and pull me into his obvious arousal. He leans closer, my eyes flutter closed, expecting him to make up the distance with a kiss but instead, I find his lips at the shell of my ear. “Something to look forward to, no?” His tongue darts out, swiping my earlobe before he nips it with his teeth. I shudder andswallow down my moan at the picture he paintsbecause having Jackson Donovan on his knees for me is most definitely something to look forward to. After all, I know what wicked things he can do withhis tongue.

He pulls back to study my face. “What do you say, Duchess? Is it a date?”

I smile. “Yes,” I reply, breathless and wanton, unable to hide my desire. Part of me wonders why we can’t do that right now, but then I feel someone else’s fingers skating across my shoulder, and I glance back to see River standing there with a huge glass of Eton Mess.

“Come on, I didn’t supervise Elliot for nothing.” He tilts his head for me to follow, and Jackson squeezes my arse once more before letting go and taking my hand in his, leading me to the sofa.

I don’t think I can stomach any more food, not after everything, but the expectant look on both Elliot and River’s faces has me scooping up a spoonful and bringing it to my mouth, savouring the flavour and chewy goodness of the broken piece of meringue and juicy strawberry. I close my eyes and groan around the spoon, licking off the excess cream.

“Fuck me,” River says, causing my eyes to open and that’s when I find four pairs of very hungry eyes staring back at me.