He dips me backwards. “Ahh!” I say in surprise before his lips caress mine in a chaste kiss before pulling me upright.
I barely gain my balance before Tommy pulls me towards him softly. “Sunshine, you look beautiful,” he says, and then his lips find mine in a brief but tender kiss. I blink back at the emotion each of these men evoke in me.
“Thank you,” I say. “You all look very handsome, too.”
The sound of footsteps tells us that Avery and Mia are about to join us.
And I realise the last time my heart felt this full was beforemy mum died. The grief of losing her is one I know I’ll never get over, but being surrounded by the people who mean the most to me in the world gives me a new sense of hope—and purpose. Regardless of what’s to come, I’ll spend every day counting my blessings and cherishing the ones I love. Thinking of love, my gaze moves to Jackson, his piercing blue eyes staring back at me. I’ve still not returned the sentiment, but I intend to rectify that before the year is out.
Chapter Forty-Seven
We’ve spent the last few hours playing games, drinking, eating and dancing. Elliot even went as far as pulling out the karaoke machine, much to River’s delight. Boy, can he belt out a tune? Me, however, not so much, but when Mia asked to do a duet with me, who was I to refuse?
It’s good to see her smile. I know she has a lot of healing to do, as does Lily, but we’ll be here to help them in any way we can because that’s what family does.
“Dance with me,” Lily says, as a slow song filters through the sound system. Everyone else is playing Twister except Tommy, who seems more than content being in charge of the spinner.
I pull her into my arms and begin to move to the song’s slow beat.
“Thank you for all of this,” she says, her gaze moving to the mass of tangled limbs, her eyes sparkling under the disco ball. “I didn’t know how much I needed it.”
I reach out and cup her cheek. “You’re welcome, Duchess. I’d do anything to make you happy.”
She flushes under my praise, and unable to helpmyself, I lean in and kiss her, slipping my tongue past her lips, I feel her moan as opposed to hearing it, and it sends blood straight to my dick. Sighing, I pull back, resting my forehead against hers, and breathe her in.
“Two minutes,” Mia squeals, and I look over at the clock and reluctantly pull away from Lily.
“Turn on the TV,” Avery slurs. “I want to do the countdown with Big Ben.”
Elliot turns on the TV and shuts off the music. River pours everyone another drink, although if I’m being honest, we’ve all probably had enough, and Tommy hands out party poppers and whistle-blowers. We all stand around and watch the Live broadcast from London. Everyone begins the ten-second countdown.
But my sole focus is on Lily.
As if she can feel me watching her, she looks at me and smiles.
My mum always says a smile reflects a ‘sweet soul’, and I never really understood that until this moment.
She goes up onto tiptoes and wraps her palm around my neck to pull me closer. I think she’s about to kiss me, but her mouth moves to my ear.
“I love you, Jackson Donovan,” she says loud enough for me to hear.
I jerk back just as everyone shouts, “Happy New Year!” Choruses go out around the room and echo from the TV and fireworks. The guys are pulling the party poppers and using the whistles, but it barely registers over the words she spoke to me.
My hand moves to her waist, and I pull her close, my lips slamming down on hers.
Lily Montgomery loves me.
I want to stay cocooned in this moment for an eternity, but I can’t be selfish, not when it comes to Lily.
“I love you, too,” I say, kissing her nose, and then let go towish everyone else a Happy New Year before we all join hands and sing Auld Lang Syne.
Avery and Lily fall onto the sofa with Mia between them to watch the fireworks show on TV as the rest of us start to clear up.
It’s not long before Mia succumbs to sleep, and Lily nudges her gently to wake her up.
“You ready for bed?” she asks, tucking Mia’s dark hair behind her ear.