He glanced at Ace, who sat there, silent. No help, yet no recrimination.
“We’re doing things our way and it’s really nobody’s business but ours.”
His sister sputtered, face turning red. “It sure the hell is my business. You’re my brother. That kid will be my niece or nephew—” her words cut off, happy light dawning in her eyes. “Holy shit, I’m going to be an aunt!”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Charlie. It might take months before Penny gets pregnant.”
Her gaze snapped back to him. “How convenient for you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh please, everyone knows Penny has this hero worship thing for you.”
The hell was she talking about?
“She’s always had a bit of a crush on you and you’re taking advantage of that when she’s at her most vulnerable.”
Muscles tightening, he bit his lip to keep from lashing out at his little sister, who was being extremely rude. How dare she accuse him of taking advantage of his best friend!
“She asked me for help, Charlie. Not the other way around.”
“She asked you for your sperm. Whose idea was it to take it from the clinic to the bedroom?”
His, technically, but he didn’t insist on it. He gave her the choice. If Penny had said no to sex, he would have gone to the doctor and donated like she wanted. He wasn’t pressuring anyone.
“Butt out, Charlie. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think I do.”
He leaned forward. “Contrary to what you think, you’re not always right.”
She leaned across the table, matching his angry stare. “You’re thinking with your little head, BJ. You’re going to hurt her.”
He moved closer, getting within an inch of his sister’s face. Staring into pale blue eyes the same color as his own, filled with the same fire he felt burning away in the pit of his stomach. “And you’re being a brat, Charlie. Just because we’re not doing things the way you think we should, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. And I’d never hurt Penny. Never.”
Some of the fire in her eyes died. Sympathy turning down the corner of her mouth as worry lines etched her forehead. “Maybe not on purpose, but when has mixing sex and friendship ever ended without someone getting hurt? Think about it.”
With those parting words, his sister pushed up from the table and walked out of the restaurant. BJ sucked in a harsh breath, anger seething from every pore of his body. How dare she stick her nose in his business. She was his little sister. He knew better than her. He slumped back in his chair, gaze falling to Ace, who sat like a goddamn statue. Arms still crossed. Expression stone cold.
“What? You going to yell at me too? Call me a bastard?”
His twin raised a brow.
“I’m helping my friend.”
“Are you?”
Oh goody, the statue speaks.
“Or are you creating the nice little family you’ve always wanted without the risk of getting hurt?”
What in the ever-loving-hell did that mean? They could communicate with a glance, but sometimes he didn’t understand a fucking word Ace said.
“Screw this. You guys don’t know shit.” He stood, shoving away from the table. Anger fueled his every step as he stormed his way through the connecting door to Jacks. There was still a lot of work to do before he called it a night. Who cared what his siblings thought of their situation? He and Penny were fine with it. Great, even. Perfect. This was about Penny and what she needed, not him. Ace didn’t know what the hell he was spouting, and Charlie was just being self-righteous.
It didn’t matter what anyone else thought. He wasn’t taking advantage, and he wouldn’t hurt her. No way. And why was everyone so concerned about people getting hurt? No one was getting hurt in this situation because they weren’t involving their hearts. It was sex and friendship. Plain and simple. Heart need not come into the equation.
You couldn’t suffer a broken heart if you never involved it in the first place.