She lifted a shoulder in a small shrug. “Maybe, or maybe not. I’m sure you talked to your brother every week when you left, right?”
Memories of late-night phone calls and gif texting wars with his little brother filled his mind, causing a small smile to curl his lips.
“More like every few days.”
“See?” She nodded. “You didn’t abandon him. You went to college, like tons of young adults do. And you checked in with him regularly. Did he ever mention feeling unwell?”
He let out a harsh breath. “No. Cam never said anything.”
Probably because his little brother had known Chance would drop everything and rush back home if he heard Cameron wasn’t doing well. Dammit, Cam had been so proud of Chance for getting that scholarship. Of course, he wouldn’t have said anything, thinking he would have ruined Chance’s opportunities. But the kicker was, Chance would give up every single opportunity in his life if it meant he could have his little brother back.
“Then you can’t blame yourself for not knowing. You can’t control everything, Chance.”
Yeah, but he could try. Because when he didn’t look out for the people he cared about…they died.
“You need any sticky spray?”
Iz glanced over at Chance who held out a can. They were about to practice their routine. Her mind should have been focused on the moves, but all she could think of was getting the man in front of her out of those tight black leggings he was wearing and finding a few more creative positions they could try in her hoop. Since they were currently surrounded by the entire company, many of whom were casually watching their practice, she figured she should save those thoughts for later.
Holding out her hands she nodded. “Spray me.”
Their routine had several spots where she was held aloft by nothing but her grip on Chance or his on her. Sticky spray was a must.
“Okay, music starting,” Jen called out as they took their places on either side of the hoop.
Iz stared directly into Chance’s eyes as the music played. She silently counted the beats along with him, hand on the hoop, taking measured steps as they slowly spun. At the beat drop they pulled up in unison into side mount, sliding into the hoop, keeping one arm on as they moved into each other, wrapping their free arms around the other’s waist, embracing in the hoop.
Whoops and cheers came from their fellow castmates.
“If this impresses them, wait until we get to the flexed foot body hold,” Chance chuckled softly against her neck.
“They’re just being supportive.” Aerialists were the best at hyping each other up. “Now stop distracting me or I’ll lose focus and drop your ass on the ground.”
“You’d never drop my ass,” he said as they came out of the pose and moved into the next. “You like it too much.”
Chance winked as she gripped the top of the hoop and hoisting herself up into top of the bar thigh hold.
She grinned down at him. “True fact.”
The man did have a delicious backside.
Chance brought his free leg forward and shifted to a straddle back. Once he was in position in star on the bar, legs wide pressing against the hoop, arms out, delightful ass in question on one side as he balanced perfectly upside down, Iz gripped the hoop and slowly flipped. Lowering herself down on top of him. She spread her legs wide against the hoop, back arching as she stared toward the ceiling. The position earned a loud roar of approval from their castmates as well as a few wolf whistles.
Yes, it was a very sensual position. Her crotch was directly on his stomach, ass cradled against his good bits. With any other partner it wouldn’t be a big deal, but this was Chance. Half of her brain was focused on the routine while the other half was wondering how they could make this position work without clothes on.
The music played on and while her mind was slightly distracted, she managed to focus on the moves of the routine. Each time they touched—which was a lot—a spark of desire shot through her. She hoped it didn’t show on her face, but since this piece was the lovers’ duet, she supposed it would be in character to stare at Chance like she wanted to rip off what little clothes he had on and ravage him.
The biggest cheer came at the end as she was finishing her elbow rolls and Chance slid down from inverted handstand on the span set. The piece ended with Chance in top of the bar thigh hold, supporting her with a neck hold while she pushed the hoop away slightly with her foot. It was a beautiful move and required a lot of trust from the baser. As she glanced up into Chance’s bright green eyes, she knew there was no one she trusted more to keep her safe.
The thought made her pause slightly, her smile slipping.
“Iz?” Chance’s brow furrowed. “You okay? Is my grip not tight enough?”
She shook her head slightly, words caught in her throat. Shaking the errant thought from her mind she brought the hoop back until she could grip it and sit.
“I’m good,” she said, finally finding her voice and pulling out of his hold.