
It started as a day like any other, but by sunset, everything had changed.

“Looking good Sundance,” I murmured, patting my mare’s neck as we moved along the fence line. She snorted, content with the praise, or maybe just the freedom of the open field. Beside me, my brother Ben kept pace on Shadow, the black gelding trotting alongside us. Ben’s dog Bandit darted between the horses, his tail wagging a mile a minute.

The aspens shivered in the breeze at the field's edge, their leaves burnished gold. It felt like we would have an early winter—which made this trip all the more important.

“Feels good to be back, huh?” Ben glanced over, a half-smile on his usually sad face.

“Nothing beats Silver Ridge in the fall.” I inhaled deeply. “Apple cider, pumpkin pie…home.”

“Missed you 'round here.” He nudged Shadow closer, and for a moment, our stirrups almost touched.

“Missed you too.”

“Been all over the country making your movies,” Ben chuckled. “I take Livy to see every single one. Sometimes we spot Sundance, and we always stay to see your name in the credits.”

I grinned over at him, looking at the lines on his face. He looked older than the last time I’d seen him, nothing like the loud, funny brother I’d grown up with.

He needed me. Or at least…he needed someone to help around here. Anyone.

“Lots to do before winter hits,” Ben said. “The north fence needs mending before the snow comes. And that barn roof won't hold up much longer if we don't patch it.”

“Right,” I said. “And we need to stock up on blankets for the horses. Check the heaters and generator too. Can’t afford them conking out mid-blizzard.”

Ben sighed, his gaze wandering over the vast expanse of our land. “It's a lot for one person to manage.” He turned to me, his brow creased with concern. “You think you might stick around through the winter? Just until things settle down?”

I hesitated. The notion of staying tugged at me, warm and enticing. “I'd like to, Ben, really. But I've got that job lined up in Texas next month.”

“Figured as much.” He scratched the stubble on his chin, eyes narrowing in thought. “Might have to bring on some extra help then.”

We rode on in silence for a moment, the sound of hoofbeats and Bandit's joyful barks filling the air.

“Hey, sis…” Ben suddenly reined Shadow to a halt. A puzzled frown creased my forehead, and I nudged Sundance closer to his side.

“What's up?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn’t hear his answer.

It was overpowered by a boom.

A shot.

I dropped low over Sundance’s neck, the sound a shock. That was way too close. Couldn’t be hunters…could it? They’d have to be on our land.

“Ben, you okay?” I asked. “That was…Ben?”

My eyes found him in his saddle, his mouth open…and he coughed up blood.

Lurched forward.


“Ben!” I screamed.

Shadow let out a shrieking whinny and bolted, a dark streak against the gold and green backdrop. I couldn’t gather my thoughts enough to stop the horse.