“Sounds good.” He stacked both menus on the end. “We can come back for lunch after church and have something else then. Will you come to church with me?”

“This isn’t my weekend off.”

“It is now. You start back Monday.”

“Wow, nice to be around someone who can pull strings.”

He glowered at her. “I’ll have you know they would have done the same thing for anyone who asked. And was related to them.”

“Are you ready to order?” Rayna stood at the end of the table with a pen poised over an order pad.

“Sure. We’d like an order of mozza sticks and another of stuffed mushrooms for an appetizer. Then we’d each like a Reuben and fries.”

“Coming right up.” She marched away.

“How long do you think she’ll stay in Jewel Lake?” Paisley whispered.

“As long as any of the Sullivans are single, I’d imagine. Jude’s onto her, but who knows about Bryce or Maxwell?”

“I thought Max was pining away over Heather.”

“Maybe. His love life is his to deal with. Unless I need to warn him about Rayna.”

“And here I thought you were turning into a romantic.” Paisley rested her head against his shoulder.

Weston savored the gentle pressure and her sweet trust. “I have become a total sap with a finely tuned focus. Only you, my love. I couldn’t care less about anyone else’s love life but ours.”

“I admit to a certain amount of vague curiosity about your cousins. Bryce has dated half the girls on staff, and the other half probably turned him down.”

Weston guffawed. Paisley likely wasn’t far off the mark.

“Maxwell… he seems different since Heather left. And then there’s Jude. How long do you think he and Kaci are going to hold to the ‘just friends’ line?”

“Hmm. No clue.” His kid brother was the only one Weston was the least bit concerned about. “Jude will be away all the winter, so nothing will happen until next year, if it’s going to happen at all. Maybe he’ll meet someone in Chicago.”

“Maybe. Did Kaci stay at the ranch over last winter?”

Weston frowned. “Yes? We had some guests in the lodge here and there all year. She kept to herself a lot, though.” At least, he had a few vague memories of her being around. Tate had hosted some games nights at his place. Hadn’t Jude said he and Kaci had gone to those? Weston hadn’t. He’d still hated people.

Funny what love did to a guy. It couldn’t be that everyone else was suddenly nicer than they used to be, could it? Nah. It was him.

This past week with Paisley away, he’d even hung out with Graham and Cadence, and not only while they were puzzling out the Fourth of July stuff. Graham was a decent guy when he wasn’t neck deep in spreadsheets. Not only that, but he was also a reader, and they’d exchanged views on series they’d both read. Ha. Like a cowboy book club.

“Here are your appetizers.”

“Thank you.” Weston looked up to see the café owner, Estelle Mulligan, eyeing them with unabashed curiosity.

“So, you two are an item?”

Weston grinned at her. “We sure are. Paisley’s amazing. Isn’t it crazy what love can do to a person? I’m sure you find the same thing with your husband?—”

“Leo,” she supplied.

“He must think he’s a lucky guy.”

Estelle fluttered her fingers as her cheeks pinked. “Oh, I’m not so sure about that.” She turned away.

“Who are you, and what have you done with Weston Kline?”