“That would be Tate. He runs all the day-to-day stuff now.”

“Right. I keep forgetting, since it’s Mr. Sullivan I’ve always dealt with. He’s going to fire me, isn’t he?”

“If you don’t call him, he may not feel he has any choice.”

“Ouch. You’re right.”

If only he could wrap his arms around her and hold her close. She sounded so lost. So alone. “I talked to Tate, and I think he’ll be reasonable. Because—” Weston braced himself for an unknown response “—I told him I loved you, and I expected him to treat you like family.”


“Paisley, are you there?”

“I’m… yeah. You told him what?”

“I love you, Paisley Teele.” Weston’s heart thundered in his ears.


Wasn’t this where a besotted woman was supposed to say the magic words back? “Yes. I love you.”

“But I’m such a mess.”

“You’re a mess I love.”

Were those sniffles? “But your cousin is going to fire me, and I deserve it.”

“Not on my watch.”

“You love me? You’re not just saying that?”

“I love you.”

Oh, man. She was crying. Why couldn’t he hug her? Why didn’t she believe him?

“I love you, too.”

And the line went dead.



Weston loved her.

Paisley lowered the phone beside her where she sat on the bed and stared at the grimy window.

Weston loved her. Did she love him?

Yes, she absolutely did. After the gray anguish of the past few days since Kait had summoned her, bright, vibrant flowers seemed to unfurl in Paisley’s heart and soul.

Those blossoms were a little thing called hope. A little thing that opened up the future with possibilities. She didn’t need to be held prisoner to the failings of her past. What was that verse?

She thumbed open the Bible app in her phone and searched. Ah. There it was. Jeremiah 29:11. ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’

A hope and a future.

“God? What do you want me to do now?” Paisley asked out loud. Because Weston was right. It didn’t matter so much what she wanted or what he wanted, but what God wanted.